
Patrick Timpone


Carl & Jhoane Robinson

Foods, Spices & Herbs That Build a Healthier Heart

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death throughout the world, responsible for 30% of all deaths annually. WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that by 2030, over 23 million people will die from cardiovascular diseases worldwide every year.

Right now, 40 percent of all deaths in the United States each year are from heart disease! Most heart disease is preventable.

Heart Fact: The human hearts beat about 72 times each minute. That makes about 2.5 billion beats by the time a person is 66 years old!

“Today, heart disease is the leading cause of death of adults worldwide, and about 600,000 people in the United States die of heart disease every year,” says health expert Jhoane (Joan) Robinson. “Considering that most heart disease is preventable just by taking proper care of ourselves, that number is just not acceptable!”

Show Highlights:

-What is meant by ‘heart disease’?

-Why our hearts are not being oxygenated enough

-Death by soda pop

-What causes plaque to build up in the arteries?

-The importance of water and how drinking just (5) 8oz. glasses a day of pure water can cut the risk of heart disease by 51%

-The importance of dietary fiber

-Fermentation vs. putrification in the gut

-Jhoane tellsus of how she rebuilt her health and overcame symptoms of MS with diet and herbs

and so much more!

Carl and Jhoane Robinson

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Foods, Spices and Herbs That Build a Healthier Heart


carl and joan robinson with herbs and healing spices,february 25, 2014

'Carl and Jhoane Robinson – Foods, Spices & Herbs That Build a Healthier Heart – February 25, 2014' has 1 comment

  1. February 28, 2014 @ 1:46 pm Trevor

    Carl Robinson is wrong on male night sweats: these are caused by low testosterone, not hypothyroid. Such inexpert answers are very misleading.

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