Casting Off Disease

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

We truly live in the Matrix.

How else can it be that many other people can learn to Mesmerize or hypnotize us, and cure our most serious diseases — even so-called “genetic” ones — but we can’t do the same to ourselves by ourselves?

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) demonstrated to us how we can bless other people … but can’t bless ourselves.

We validated it with Muscle Response Testing.

Correction! We can’t bless ourselves till we learn to love and appreciate ourselves enough to do so.


Isaac I. Keely (Keely’s Facts and Scientific Miracles, 1856) wrote …

“The exercising of the subject under the magnetic state, will effect many important cures. Many others are effected by simply producing the magnetic state, and not exercising the subjects at all. These modes have been practiced, time immemorial, by hundreds of intelligent and good operators, on both continents. That which I claim as original, is the curing of disease, by giving a sudden shock, such as that produced by the firing a pistol, which effects a powerful mental emotion, sending thrilling from the brain through the entire nervous system, the nervo-vital fluid or life principle, casting off disease, whatever it may be, and restoring healthy action.

“For instance, if a case of deafness, the paralysis of the auditory nerve is destroyed, and the man hears; and in a case of amaurosis [transient loss of vision], that of the optic nerve is destroyed, and the man sees, and so of every other form of disease that afflicts the human family. These results are simple and natural founded upon scientific principles easily produced, and invaluable to the invalids who need them.”


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