Environmental Challenges

F. William Engdahl – Seeds of Destruction :The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation – October 6, 2010

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone F.William Engdahl “The Rockerfeller Family are the big players here…..” Author of Seeds of Destruction:The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation This skillfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish its control over the very basis of human survival, the provision of our daily…

Bruce Lourie -Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things – March 12, 2010

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Bruce Lourie Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things Earlier this year the FDA issued a warning about a chemical often found in baby bottles and food containers called BPA (bisphenol A) a known endocrine disruptor. The Canadian government felt BPA was a serious concern…

Ritchie C. Shoemaker, MD – Mold Warriors – February 22, 2010

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Ritchie C. Shoemaker, MD Mold Warriors Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, MD discusses the health implication of toxic mold exposure and how to get tested and treated. There are tremendous variations in the kinds of buildings that can host the invading toxin-forming species of fungi. Any building that provides the proper…

Jim Beal – Electromagnetic Fields: Detection and Protection – January 12, 2010

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Jim Beal Electromagnetic Fields: Detection and Protection Mr. Beal was a Staff Engineer in the Advanced Processes Technology Department while at Martin Marietta Manned Space Systems. Prior to the above position, he was associated jointly with the Miami Heart Institute and Parkinson Foundation for two years as Research…

Rod Czlonka – Surviving Terminal Brain Cancer – November 3, 2009

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Rod Czlonka Surviving Terminal Brain Cancer Lots of good information here on Cell Phones and all EMF pollution and how it may be affecting your health. To find out amazing information on towers and antennas around your home go to http://www.antennasearch.com/ At 41 Rod Czlonkas life was on the…

William Thomas – Chemtrails, Contrails, Weather Modification, HAARP – June 23, 2009

William Thomas Chemtrails Confirmed Who is responsible for chemtrails? What are they? Why are they? And how are chemtrails affecting our health? West coast journalist William Thomas broke the chemtrails story in Jan. 1999 for the Environment News Service. His book, Chemtrails Confirmed is currently being revised and due out soon. His half-hour video –…

Dr. Rosalie Bertell – Chemtrails, Contrails, Aerosolized Metals, Biological & Chemical Warfare – May 7, 2009

THE PATRICK TIMPONE SHOW Dr. Rosalie Bertell Chemtrails, Contrails, Aerosolized Metals, Biological & Chemical Warfare Contrails, short for “condensation trails” are visible trails of condensed water vapor made by the exhaust of aircraft engines. But what are Chemtails or “chemical trails“? What is HAARP technology? We will discuss these and other issues live with Dr….

Dr. Katherine Albrecht – RFID Spy Chips – Tracking Technology, Plain and Simple – March 5, 2009

THE PATRICK TIMPONE SHOW Katherine Albrecht Big Brothers RFID Chips The longer we spoke with Dr. Albrecht the deeper the realization that RFID and tracking technology gone wild is not good for we the people. Dr. Katherine Albrecht is the foremost authority on Radio Frequency Identification Device, (RFID), and the impact they are having on…

Prof. Magda Havas | EMFs – Compact Florescent & Home Electricity | February 12, 2009

Prof. Magda Havas EMFs – Compact Florescent & Home Electricity Here is indeed an interesting show with Professor Maga Havas, her specialty is all things emitting Electro Magnetic Fields, EMFs. Most governments are in the process of mandating Compact Fluorescent Bulbs, (CFLs) to permanently replace incandescent. The problems with this is – There are potential…

Water guru William Wendling

William Wendling has been into water for twenty years. His company is oxygenozone.com. This is a must listen for all who are contemplating a good water filtration system for their drinking water, shower or entire home. He explains reverse osmosis, alkaline water, ozonated water, vortexed water and the ins and outs of the entire spectrum…

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