Charlie Sewell

Using the Religious Exemption to Side Step Vaccine Mandates

What is the hidden secret of the oath of office?

No corporation can tread on the laws of the Constitution.  Why Is censorship by Facebook and others a violation of the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act?

How did the Alberta case overturn mask wearing requirement?   “Where is verified material evidence that backs up the statement that wearing a mask reduces transmission of Covid virus?”

How to use Charlie’s letter requesting religious exemption.  Mail it to a specific person.  Send it to the chairman of the board, etc.– put them all on notice. 

“If you’re going to reject my religious exemption, you must do it under affidavit, otherwise your denial is invalid.”  Back it up with a civil rights complaint.  Notify multiple authorities of the discrimination.

Use Charlie’s letter to challenge both vaccine mandate and testing mandate.

Enforcement officials need to present a warrant plus an affidavit of harm.

What to do when lawyers say Charlie’s letter is crazy and dismiss it?

Oath of office gives no immunity for unconstitutional doing.

Arguing on the basis of experimental use (EUA) and Nuremberg Convention is arguing the wrong thing.

Don’t quit, get fired.  Keep a timeline affadavit.  Never threaten.  Write first before having an in-person meeting.   

Step-by-step guide to using Charlie’s religious exemption letter, using caller Taylor as an example.

Link for 8 page Civil Rights violation package: HHS Office for Civil Rights Complaint Form Package.  Pages 1 and 2 are the actual form.  Important to read every page.

Emailer asks: Why does religious exemption work in a right-to-work state?

Charlie’s email: [email protected].  Charlie is not an attorney.  Please respect his time.

Document 1

Document 2

Instruction Notice Exemption

Vaccine Letter

Document 3

'Charlie Sewell – Using the Religious Exemption to Side Step Vaccine Mandates – September 22, 2021' have 3 comments

  1. September 23, 2021 @ 1:11 am Ron

    Much gratitude to Charlie for drafting these documents and to Patrick for posting them. Has anyone drafted similar documents that would be needed to enter stores or use air travel, if it comes to that?


  2. September 26, 2021 @ 2:14 pm John

    Great show Patrick and Charlie! Please do another show soon again


  3. October 16, 2021 @ 8:30 pm Lisa

    Thank you for this show, was very helpful. Getting ready to draft my own religious exemption


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