MUSCLE ENGRAM TESTING goes far beyond Applied Kinesiology, Touch For Health, Behavioral Kinesiology, etc.

(1) M.E.T. is cinematic, not photographic. It measures muscles in motion, so it’s not limited to single “snapshot” testing.

(2) M.E.T. measures a positive response, not a negative response. It measures a “peak,” not a “valley.” Other muscle testing systems find the “problem” in the muscle response “failing,” or weakening.

(3) In M.E.T. the muscle indicator flows in the forward direction, from the testee to the tester, not in the backward direction, the original force being provided by the tester.

(4) M.E.T. measures both brain hemispheres simultaneously … and continuously.

(5) M.E.T. is visual as well as tactile. It’s not confined to physical contact like AK, TFH, BK, etc.

(6) M.E.T. can monitor all twelve acupuncture meridians simultaneously … by both touch and sight. (This is especially true of the Lung, Large Intestine, Circulation/Sex, and Triple Heater meridians.)

(7) The M.E.T. testee doesn’t have to change positions while being tested. All they have to do is lie on their back on a massage table or a floor mat.

(8) No muscle exertion whatsoever is required in M.E.T., so muscles can’t get “tired” or overused. Muscles can be monitored all day and all night if required, including while the testee is sleeping.

(9) M.E.T. can find “volcanic” engrams as well as “oceanic” engrams. Volcanic engrams cause a muscle (or muscles) to contract with a single thought. Oceanic engrams cause chronic muscle contraction.

(10) M.E.T. can be learnedfaster than any other technique on the planet.

Muscle Engram Testing will be a crucial part of the curriculum at Atom’s School of Self-Healing.

M.E.T. only measures the engrams that do not serve you. :)

My e-books & e-booklets are available at …

For a consultation, go to …

5examples of VISUAL M.E.T can be found at …

Atom’s School of Self Healing at Wellness-Wagon.comon Facebook




'Cinematic Muscle Engram Response Testing' have 10 comments

  1. April 29, 2012 @ 2:26 pm atomb

    PS: I’m not dissing AK, TFH, and BK.

    I supplement M.E.T. with the better parts of their technologies. :)

    Did you know the police and military make extensive use of muscle response testing techniques to disarm people?

  2. April 29, 2012 @ 3:01 pm atomb

    Re: What about muscle testing for vitamins?

    It has some limited value.

    Unfortunately, it’s often used (abused) to sell supplements, magnetic beds, dental materials, etc.

    Make sure your muscle tester is capable.

    Fill three OPAQUE “00” capsules with (1) spirulina, (2) white sugar, and (3) ricin toxin, and …

    Well, you get the idea. ;)

  3. April 29, 2012 @ 5:11 pm atomb

    Re: what the potatoes lack / what the oil adds to the result??

    I choose to remember what Swami Nitty-Gritty said about oil and potatoes.

    He said a baked “dextrinized” potato combined with cooked mushroom makes a complete protein.

    Oil or fat are necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients, i.e., lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, gamma-carotene, and vitamins A, D, E, and K.

    Half of the sodium in the human body is fat-soluble.

    Most minerals are water-soluble only.

    Iron is insoluble in both water and oil (as any Iridologist can validate).

    Frank H. Storer wrote in 1864 …

    “Iodine is quickly soluble in the essential oils of dill (oleum anethi); of peppermint (ol. menthe crispae & ol. menthe piperitae); of sassafras (ol. sassafras corti); and of tansy (ol. tanaceti); slowly soluble in oil of cinnamon (ol. cassiae); oil of cloves (ol. caryophylli); oil of cajeput (ol. cajeputi); and oil of rue (ol. rutae); it is decomposed by most other essential oils.”

    Mineral solubility indices were well-researched by chemists prior to the American Civil War, making the “forgetting” of this data another classic and outrageous case of MEDICAL AMNESIA. :(

  4. April 30, 2012 @ 5:58 pm atomb

    Re: Is chewing gum good for your teeth and gums?

    Yes, but only if you use gum containing no artificial sweeteners, including xylitol and stevioside.

    Stevia is OK, but most “stevia” is really stevioside, a steviol glycoside, and is not OK.

    Sugar doesn’t cause tooth decay because it doesn’t stay in your mouth. (It speeds down your gullet to give you sugar diabetes … if you eat it at the “wrong” time of day.)

    Starch sticks to your teeth and causes tooth decay.

    An additional benefit to chewing gum is it boosts blood flow to the brain as much as 25 percent.

    Remember that the next time you take a test or work a crossword puzzle. :)

  5. April 30, 2012 @ 6:19 pm atomb

    Re: So what’s wrong with sorbitol and xylitol?

    The small amounts of sorbitol (found mostly in Zone One morning fruits) and xylitol (found mostly in Zone Two midday berries and vegetables) poses no problem, but commercial soritol or xylitol do; e.g. “chewing gum diarrhea,” an osmotic diarrhea caused by either of these “sugar alcohols.”

    Commercial xylitol comes primarily from birch wood scraps and secondarily from corncobs, and commercial sorbitol comes from cornstarch.

    • April 30, 2012 @ 7:49 pm atomb

      Incidentally, make sure the limonene in your toothpaste – often added as a tooth-whitener – isn’t DL-limonene, manufactured from the vacuum pyrolysis of used tires. :(

  6. May 1, 2012 @ 3:01 pm atomb

    Re: fibroids and endometriosis?

    Fibroids often indicate an unfulfilled desire for pregnancy.

    Swami Nitty-Gritty said endometriosis is often caused by wanting to be a Mommy without the responsibility of being a Mother.

    Of course, these are “cookbook” explanations, and ACCA.

    ACCA = anything can cause anything.


    ACCA = anything can cure anything.

  7. May 1, 2012 @ 3:35 pm atomb

    Re: What’s your take on root canals?

    A radionic practitioner warned me about root canals, so I had a tooth extracted.

    (It took three visits to my dentist to convince him to pull it instead of save it!)

    After the fact, I had the following conversation with Adano …

    Me: “____ told me a root canal causes problems, so I got my tooth pulled. Is she right, or should I have let the dentist do the root canal?”

    Adano: “Yes, no, maybe.

    “Yes … a root canal does cause electronic problems.

    “No … pulling a tooth compromises the structural integrity of the jaw, and is more of a problem than a root canal.

    “Maybe … you can shunt a root canal with reflexology.

    “Why did you spend all your money and time going to my school if you’re not going to use what you learned?”

    So how do you shunt a root canal?

    (1) Massage your ear lobes while yawning and stretching.

    (2) Stimulate the teeth reflex points in the hands.

    They’re in the upper palm beneath each finger, with the central incisors under the index fingers and the wisdom teeth under the pinky fingers.

    (3) Stimulate the mouth reflexes in the feet.

    There’s no teeth reflexes in the feet, so work the mouth reflex on the inside of the big toe.

    (4) Be sure the following teeth-related acupuncture meridians are in optimum working order …

    (a) Kidney Meridian.

    (b) Large Intestine Meridian.

    (c) Heart Meridian.

    (d) Gall Bladder Meridian.

  8. May 1, 2012 @ 5:36 pm atomb

    Re: I’ve been feeling pressure on my chest.

    It’s often gas pressure, and favorably responds to pandiculation (yawning and stretching simultaneously), but see your professional health advisor to be safe.

    Swami Nitty-Gritty recommended using sweet orange oil (Citrus sinensis) as a Saturday therapy to relieve pressure on the chest.

    He advised rubbing it on the tip of the sternum for maximum relief.

  9. May 1, 2012 @ 7:57 pm atomb

    Re: What do you think of colonics?

    There’s a Time and a Place and a Season … and a Dose.

    The science behind colon hydrotherapy (lower bowel evacuations) must be respected.

    Excessive colonics can be counterproductive. I call this excess “south pole bulimia.” ;)

    I was certified as a colonic therapist in the 1970s in Mesa, Arizona, and was a colonic therapist at Dr. Martin Farber’s chiropractic clinic in Houston.

    I was also on the board of directors of Jimmy J. Girouard’s Colon Therapeutics in Groves, Texas, in the 1980s.

    Jimmy Girouard — inspired by Adano Ley to “build a better colonic machine” — manufactured the Jimmy John III Colonic Irrigation System and the Jimmy John III rectal nozzle.

    The Jimmy John III’s rectal nozzle was the only nozzle on the market (to my knowledge) that prevented back-flushing for maximum protection from AIDS.

    Other colonic machines offer complete protection by having a disposable HOSE and nozzle (all one unit).

    The Jimmy John III Colonic Irrigation System was also equipped with an ultraviolet light for killing viruses and bacteria.

    Restorative Detoxification will definitely be part of the curriculum at Atom’s School of Self Healing in Ojai.

    Protocols for cleansing and reestablishing the ecology of every organ in the human body will be explained with emphasis on the time of day, week, month, and year.

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