Claudio Grass

Liberty Is Dying By Inches, But There Is A Silver Lining

“Don’t Kill the King, Ignore Him”

Claudio Grass been advising HNWIs for over a decade on the best strategies to preserve wealth. In this era of debilitating central economic planning and monetary inflation, this has involved buying and storing physical gold and silver bullion, in full privacy, outside of the banking system, in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

No one knows the future and we don’t even know the truth of our current situation; or in the words of Johannes Wolfgang von Goethe:

It is easier to perceive error than to find truth, for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it.

He has been traveling and studying the world for most of his life. First, as an airline executive. Then, as a Swiss Peace Corp Officer on the Israeli-Syrian border. Finally, for the past 10 years, as an investment manager specialized in precious metals.

Throughout his studies of geopolitics, history, philosophy and macro-economy, the writers who have left him with the longest-lasting impressions are those who spoke of the superiority of liberty over tyranny, who have written about the individual’s natural right to life, and those who have properly shown the utter limitations and immorality of collectivism in all its forms. Among them are Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Harry Brown, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Frédéric Bastiat, Friedrich von Hayek and Alexis de Tocqueville to name just a few.

When he thinks about gold, he also thinks about the values associated with it. The most important aspect to him is striving for personal and individual happiness – or the right of every person to pursue happiness in their own way. It is his profound conviction that sound money is fundamental to a healthy and prosperous society. That is why he became a proponent of the Austrian School of Economics, which stands for private ownership, free markets and financial sovereignty, resting on the premise that things are settled into order despite the apparent chaos of individual actions.

His moral and practical motivations for personally owning physical gold and silver are hence quite straightforward; they are as well, he thinks, just as clear for those who understand the theoretical and philosophical background he has referenced.

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Show highlights:

Claudio tells us about the turning point in his life to wake him up as to what is going on in the world in terms of power and control

He was a delegate to the U.N. which really opened his eyes

What is the Mises Institute and what does it stand for?

We ask what Claudio would do if he were in the position of President Trump

Self responsibility has always been a big principle in Switzerland

The whole concept of having a central bank is wrong

We are in the process of destroying the World’s economies; fear is paralyzing people and the media is criminal

Is there anyway we will go back to the gold standard?

We sold out our economies to the East(China) ; China has become the biggest gold producer in the world; it is believed that China has more than 20,000 tons of gold

The COVID-19 pandemic is all about centralization, not saving people’s lives

We’re on the way to having a Universal basic income; Spain will be the first to have this

We are experiencing the destruction of civilization and a paradigm shift

5G is a military tool used for crowd control

Bill Gates is totally into eugenics and not to be trusted

We are now in an age of private currencies

The internet has been instrumental in exposing government corruption and other unsavory things; the internet can be used in many freedom promoting ways

Why now is the time to own physical gold, even numismatics

Yes, we’re moving towards a cashless society

We asked Claudio what he thinks would have happened if Hilary would have been elected. His response, “The Clintons are criminals”. Yes, we agree

Individuals can opt out of the current system, Claudio explains

You don’t have to kill the king when you can just ignore him

and so much more!

Economist, Philosopher Claudio Grass on what’s coming next, April 8, 2020 ONE

Economist, Philosopher Claudio Grass on what’s coming next, April 8, 2020 TWO

'Claudio Grass – Liberty Is Dying By Inches, But There Is A Silver Lining – April 8, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. April 10, 2020 @ 12:48 am Sally Negus

    Fantastic show…loved everything he had to share…brilliant and tapped in~~


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