Patrick Timpone
It Takes A Long Time to Get Young
Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!
NPR pushing current hot weather as climate change. But where is the evidence?
Is it all about controlling energy output? If you trust the flow, will it be available?
Surveys show population not concerned about climate change. But Biden plans emergency action.
Cheryl says she has COVID. Crackling in throat and coughing up thick white mucus. Was she actually having a detox experience? Lungs are trying to get rid of toxins or grief.
According to Koch’s Postulates, COVID doesn’t exist. Falsity of germ theory. Fraudulent PCR tests.
When digging for truth, if people don’t think you’re crazy, you’re not close.
We make ourselves sick mostly by poor thinking, stress, toxins. Fevers burn up toxins.
Caller Michelle describes her experience with “COVIDâ€. Feeling like she was going to die. Helped by following Dr. Brownstein’s protocol, nebulizing hydrogen peroxide.
Souls create difficult things so they can work through them, get stronger on the other side, and be prepared for the really tough stuff ahead of us. They want us in fear and sick.
Masses of people protesting in the streets in many countries. People are waking up and pushing back. What will people in this country put up with before they hit the streets?
They think they need to do something big, like The Great Reset, with the financial system so they can keep going and maintain control. Overwhelming amount of worldwide debt. Look into gold and silver coins.
Believe that God energy exists, trust it. The more you do that, and accept, the more you will be supported. God wants to do for us. Our job is to accept God’s love, grace, and power, and incorporate it into what we do. It’s a reciprocal arrangement.
We get spiritually stronger by knowing we will make it. Protocols, detox, and nutrients help, but spirit is what it’s all about.
We grow by situations where we have to let it go or die. We’re here to see how strong we are.
The Matrix is so in our face trying to convince you that you’re not in charge. “Let us take care of you.â€
We need adversaries. They’re there for a reason.
Jerry asked about meat based diets and constipation. May need more fat. Try Aloelax in the meantime.
Patrick’s experience with nighttime fat keeping his am blood sugar up and helping his sleep.
Laura reports her sleep being helped by DHEA.
Dr. Lynne August’s now has a Health Equations Electrolyte Product with molecular hydrogen in it. It recharges the membranes.
Is government too swampy to be fixed?
'Patrick Timpone | Climate Change, COVID, Germ Theory and Searching for Truth | July 22, 2022' has 1 comment
July 26, 2022 @ 4:48 pm Cyndi
Hi, could you please provide a link to the article about polio and DDT? You mentioned it early in the show on 7/22/22 around 22 minutes. Thank you!