Clydesdale-Class Grass

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Q — With all due respect to Atom Bergstrom, his claim that wheat grass juice could cause yellow fat disease, is completely incorrect, and it does not look good on him. Wheat grass juice is mostly water, so even if one drank a bucket of wheat grass juice, hardly any fat and omega 3 will be ingested. He seems so obsessed with yellow fat disease, that he cannot see the forest through the trees and makes all kinds of unproven claims about it. 100g of wheat grass juice has 0.06g fat (total fat, and even less omega 3), so there is hardly anything (Wheatgrass Juice Nutritional Analysis). Here is from a different source, slightly more but still a very tiny amount, and you would drink whole 100ml probably (Wheatgrass Juice Nutrition Facts Lab Test). Even wheat grass itself, if undecided to eat or eat wheat grass powder, has only about 3g of total fat per 100g, but one would not consume more than 10-20g a day as it is a very concentrated product.

A — With all due respect, Andrius the Vegan, you seem so obsessed with that wheat grass juice that you cannot see the forest through the trees and make all kinds of unproven claims about it.

Is there an echo in cyberspace?

If I were a dentist, would I be obsessed with teeth if I referred to them?

What’s your excuse, Andrius the Vegan? Are you a professional wheat grass scientist or just a professional vegan?

I earn my living as an omega 3 fatty acid whistleblower. What’s your involvement with wheat grass juice?


A shot glass of wheat grass juice every day is probably not harmful despite how foul it tastes. Maybe if I add enough sugar I’ll stop spitting it out?

Wheat Grass Wendy talked me into trying a shot, but once was enough.

Wheat grass won’t do anything for your wellness or longevity, despite all the hippie propaganda left over from the 1980s, when the wheat grass fad reached its peak.

Why is wheat grass so expensive? $3.89 for a two-ounce shot? Why can’t I just grow some on my lawn and graze to my heart’s content?

The wheat grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.


Omega 3 fatty acids are measured in MILLIGRAMS, yet the Medical Police State beaker boys tell us 18 MICROGRAMS of mercury is harmful. What are they smoking? Fentanyl-laced pot?


Charlie Munger (99 years young) and I don’t like wheat grass juice because “Side effects of wheat grass include nausea, vomiting, throat swelling, itching, and rashes. If you experience any side effect on consuming wheat grass, you must consult the doctor who prescribed it to you immediately.”


Wheat grass might make good cattle food since most other grasses are now GMO Franken-forage.

Scotts Miracle-Gro Company and their ilk keep getting government fines for unleashing mutant grass strains and it doesn’t even slow these jokers down. It’s just like extra taxes to them — a drop in the GMO bucket.


Agricultural chemist Charles Franklin Schnabel (1895-1974) is the Father of Wheat Grass.

His patent application in 1933 was for fast-drying wheat grass, barley grass, and rye grass. He was against slow-drying wheat grass.

These cereal grasses tripled the winter egg production of chickens.

Mr. Schnabel failed to mention that popping out all these eggs shortened the lives of these chickens.

Wheat and wheat grass are high in estrogen, growing breasts on many of the farmers who grow it and eat it.

Andrius the Vegan, why don’t you read the 1982 book, Life Extension, or read the many other resources confirming what I say?


According to Warren Buffett (92 years young) …

“What the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact.”


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