Color Clearing

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Steve Shiver introduced me to Carl Schade the night I first met Swami Nitty-Gritty.
Carl asked Adano about a friend’s health challenges. Adano asked Carl what color predominated in his friend’s wardrobe.

“Brown,” replied Carl, and Adano discoursed about brown’s relationship to “attachment,” a strange but intriguing concept to me back in 1975.


Color indicates trauma.

We don’t go to a therapist to be “colored” or “opaque” of a trauma. We go to be “cleared” of a trauma.

The Diamond Body casts no shadow.


Q — How to clear the colors?
A — It’s an individual endeavor.
Mind Hacking’s Cornerstone Technique accesses specific answers for specific people.
Otherwise it’s trial and error. Either the accident or illness is cured or it isn’t.
What originates in the lower mental sphere precipitates into the physical and physiological sphere.
Q — Any difference when using additive versus subtractive color systems?
A — Only on a biological level, not on a psychogenic level.
I’ve asked hundreds of people, “What color do you think of with your condition?” and no one has ever asked, “Do I give you a subtractive color reply or an additive color reply?”
There’s always a first time.
When you visualize colors, do you see additive or subtractive colors or both at the same time?

'Color Clearing' have 2 comments

  1. December 5, 2023 @ 10:08 pm John

    Hello Atom! For those that wish to use much higher than normal dietary intake of vitamin B1 to address Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, do you think consuming synthetic versions of the vitamin to do so has any downsides, and if so how can they be addressed or mitigated? Is short-term use safer?

    The only real food high enough in B1 to be used therapeutically might possibly be Brewers Yeast, but trying to find a brand that is grown on all-natural, non-GMO foodstuffs while also not being fed synthetic vitamins to boost its nutritional profile – ala “Nutritional Yeast” supplements – has been a challenge. I guess the real question is how harmful can such synthetic vitamins really be on the metabolism?


  2. January 10, 2024 @ 10:12 am sainte

    that focus has done wonders in my life over the past ten years, but adding dinshahs burgundy, lemon, turquoise, purple and magenta as well ad clear made it sooo resolute. love you, love the blog friends. live forever.


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