
Patrick Timpone

Cyber Safety Show


Alison Rhodes, the Safety Mom and Internet Crimes Investigator Rich Wistocki


Alison and Rich are spokespersons on child safety for TrueCare, a social network monitoring tool that helps protect your children from the potential dangers of sites like Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and Twitter. Cyber bullying, defamed reputations and online predators are real dangers, and there is a strong need to monitor kids’ online activity while starting an ongoing conversation with kids on the importance of Internet safety

Your child may be home, but where is your child? Who are they with and what are they talking about? Do you know? Do you really want to know?

Are you a parent? If so this show is for you! A shocking eye opener, the hour starts out with Nikki, a stepmom of 15yr and 18yr old daughters. Her passionate personal story of what was found in her daughters phone, a good kid, is a wake up call to monitor our kids’ digital footprints more closely on phone and internet usage. Lude and provacative language, sexual images and descriptive talk, sneaking out of the house late. Do you want to know more?

Unfortunately, according to Alison Rhodes and Rich Wistocki, this is all too common. Parents sticking their heads in the sand and presuming their child is not at risk of poor cyber behavior and predatory behavior from others. Alison and Rich offer great resources to keep a better eye on their private worlds, finding a balance to keep them and their online reputations safe. In this brave new world of technology, this message may be one of the most important you’ll ever hear. Please share it with as many moms and dads as you can.


cyber safety for kids show, february 5, 2013

'Cyber Safety Special Show with Alison Rhodes, the Safety Mom and Internet Crimes Investigator Rich Wistocki – Your Child’s Place in Cyber Space: What’s Really Going On and How to Keep Them Safe – February 5, 2013' has 1 comment

  1. February 6, 2013 @ 6:00 pm Bernard

    Do the kids really “need” Smart Phone? Why can’t parents just buy them cheapo old style phone?


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