Patrick Timpone

Daniel Vitalis

Leading Health, Nutrition, and Personal Development Strategist as well as a Nature Based Philosopher

Topic:Human Zoology — Leaving the Factory Farm Behind

Reconnecting individuals with their intrinsic wild and sovereign nature, inspiring them to rise to the heights of their boundless potential, and empowering them with ancient and modern strategies for vigorous living!
Daniel Vitalis is a Leading Health, Nutrition, and Personal Development Strategist.
Encouraging us to “ReWild Ourselves”, Daniel teaches that Invincible Health is produced by a life aligned with our biological design.
His entertaining, motivational and magnetic delivery style has made him an in-demand public speaker in North America and abroad.
He is the creator of, a resource helping people find fresh, clean, wild water wherever they live, and the founder of, a brand pioneering the ReWilding lifestyle.

daniel vitalis 5

Show Highlights:

-People have been fighting about diet for a long time; finding balance between the extremes

-The problem with the wheat we’re eating today

-Regenerating the whole body with colostrum; Daniel explains how colostrum works and shares a pancake recipe he makes with it

-The body wants to move; Daniel talks about moving in different ways: Using obstacle courses, playgrounds, pools, and other challenging movements. Sometimes we get stuck into movement patterns like using a treadmill or lifting weights which don’t challenge the body enough

-How our society is not set up for us to live as long as we can; it’s set up for us to produce economically. Daniel explains the difference between the farm and zoo environments

-When health practices become almost religious; how becoming too obsessed with a diet can stunt one’s spirituality

-Being aware of the law of diminishing returns

-The importance of being around people who are better than you

-Detoxifying through sweating; Daniel talks about using a sauna to not only sweat and detox, but it puts the body into a state of meditation

-A listener wants to know about using niacin along with the sauna

-Ideas for increased strength and flexibility for those who sit all day

-Why Daniel threw all his furniture away; he misses it, but he does have a tantra chair

-What a difference it makes when your head is on straight. Daniel and Patrick discuss knee chest upper cervical specific chiropractic

-Creating more natural habitats at home; why it’s important to have soil/earth into your home; having healthy water and food in there as well as good air quality

-Getting into a good flat footed squat; Daniel shares his ideas on the proper way to eliminate with toilets that are not conducive for a good poop and the bonus is he shares a photo for better understanding of the position

-A listener wants to know if Daniel has readDomesticated – Evolution in a Man-Made World which came out this year by Richard C. Francis? And if Daniel will have hi own book out soon

-Daniel talks about mold in our homes which are causing some of our unexplained ailments

-A word about spring water

-Can colostrum help in recovering from a stroke

and so much more!!!!

Surthrival Products by Daniel Vitalis

Visit Daniel’s Website

daniel vitalis moving and grooving on reaching our goals, septmeber 29, 2015, hour one

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