Patrick Timpone


Daniel Vitalis

Leading Health, Nutrition, and Personal Development Strategist as well as a Nature Based Philosopher


He teaches that our Invincible Health is a product of living in alignment with our biological design and our role in the ecosystem. Daniel incorporates the wisdom of indigenous peoples into our modern lives.

His entertaining, motivational and magnetic delivery style has made him an in-demand public speaker in North America and abroad.

Daniel is the creator of – A resource helping the public find clean, fresh, wild water – Free of man made pollutants, wherever they live. He is also a founding member of Surthrival, the suppliers of premier, biologically active and fully natural nutritional medicines for regeneration, immunity and healthy endocrine function.

This show focused on Personal Preparedness Strategies for Natural and Man-made Disasters:

With Hurricane Sandy only 2 weeks behind us, Daniel expressed feeling some pressure to be prepared for sudden events which could disrupt our food supply for a given time. He detailed his personal food storage plan sharing ideas for the best foods to store and how to store them. As well as the importance of not only having a gas generator, but plenty of gas in our cars as well. He elaborated on how to properly store heirloom seeds and offers our listeners a discount on his seed package. Daniel then took phone calls and emails from listeners discussing pine pollen, reishi, chaga,water, coffee and a host of other topics. Daniel Vitalis is one of our favorite guests. This is an excellent show as always. Enjoy!

-Why your body is your best “Survival Kit”

-Health Sovereignty

-Nutrition for survivability

-Detoxification for survivability

-Mobility, coordination, elasticity, Developing a Survivors Body

-What is EDC (every day carry), and how can you use it to ensure you are prepared for immediate contingencies

-What we carry on our person day-to-day

-How to build a go bag, and what should be inside: Being prepared to live comfortably anywhere!Using your pack, purse, or briefcase as a Personal Life Support Kit


Visit Surthrival


daniel vitalis, november 13, 2012, hour one

'Daniel Vitalis – Personal Preparedness Strategies for Natural and Man-made Disasters – November 13, 2012' has 1 comment

  1. November 14, 2012 @ 10:20 pm bernard

    I got my keyring flashlights together with my housekeys and bags.


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