Daniel Vitalis is a Leading Health, Nutrition, and Personal Development Strategist as well as a Nature Based Philosopher.
He teaches that our Invincible Health is a product of living in alignment with our biological design and our role in the ecosystem. Daniel incorporates the wisdom of indigenous peoples into our modern lives.
His entertaining, motivational and magnetic delivery style has made him an in-demand public speaker in North America and abroad.
Daniel is the creator of www.FindASpring.com – Aresource helping the public find clean, fresh, wild water – Free of man made pollutants, wherever they live. He is also a founding member of www.SurThrival.com, the suppliers of premier, biologically active and fully natural nutritional medicines for regeneration, immunity and healthy endocrine function.
He can be found at www.DanielVitalis.com, www.SurThrival.com,www.FindASpring.com.
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