Darko Velcek

   The Magic of Sea Salt and Water for Optimal Health

From the time that we opened our eyes in this creation we are told what to do, how to behave, what to learn and what to believe. One thing that we are not taught is how to think. As soon as we think, questions start to appear and we are not supposed to question the “truth”. All what we need is provided to us by our creator. Our fear deprives us of energy. Since the energy is electricity and electro-magnetism we can aid ourselves by utilizing the miraculous instruments of Dr. Robert Beck. Since we live in time of rapid evolution new technologies are becoming available but the most important thing is the understanding of self healing capabilities that we all possess. They are imbedded in our genes and all that we need is to understand it and help the cells of our body to do their job.

Get Darko’s Wife, Hilno’s cookbook, Food That Heals  https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/darkos-book/

Darko says a great shift is coming to the good for all who want to participate

This will be a reality whereby money, as we know it, will not be necessary

Water and sea salt, up to a gallon a day builds blood plasma

Does it matter what Grandma, and Great Grandparents ate long ago?

The difference between Soul and The Ego – We dig into the quantum Field

The Ego goes for Sex, Drugs and Rock n’ Roll – Soul goes for God.

How significant are the genes we come in with?

We get into how we create our reality

Darko discovered his sea salt protocol on a sailboat sailing the oceans

Polluted blood appears to be at the heart of imbalances in the body

The salt and water protocol cleanses the entire gut and blood

The body is always detoxing and we are never “sick”

The game is to learn how to manifest instantly

Darko, who is also a veterinarians, says vaccines or animals we eat are not an issue

Ken asks is it a good idea to give blood to lower iron levels?

Can we drink too much salt and water?

Raw milk, goat and cow are excellent foods

Eggs are also great  food for us when eaten raw

meat should be eaten as raw as possible

Why do some women have issues during menopause?

Listener asks about the benefits of raw honey

How to increase digestive fire

Darko Part one

Darko, Part Two

'Darko Velcek | Simple Yet Powerful Water and Sea Salt Protocol to Build Blood Plasma | May 9, 2023' have 4 comments

  1. May 10, 2023 @ 12:31 pm Photomaineac

    Absolutely amazing discussion as usual.


  2. May 10, 2023 @ 8:18 pm Bruce

    love this guy so much. such a great inquiry as usual. lots of bob beck presentations youtube.


  3. May 17, 2023 @ 4:54 am Vanessa

    Hi Patrick.
    I think Dr. Tom Cowan sells marine water on his website.


  4. May 21, 2023 @ 1:30 pm Eric

    I knew it!!! Great sharing back and forth. Patrick, why does man kind have such a strong propensity to hear truth inside one self, ignoring it or obscuring it all the while the truth when heard inside builds up to a point, where that the inside truth attracts an outward source to confirm the inside truth, then all of a sudden, like a switch was flipped they begin to walk in it…


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