Patrick Timpone
Dave Stetzer
Developer of the Worlds’ First Power Line Electromagnetic Filter
Topic: Do You Really Benefit from Using Grounding Technology?
Over the past decade, Dave Stetzer has focused on troubleshooting power quality problems, specifically the problem of dirty electricity (electrical pollution, “stray voltageâ€), in the United States and in numerous countries throughout the world. His work in this area led to the development of the STETZERiZER® Filter, the world’s first power line EM (electromagnetic) filter
Show Highlights:
-Dave takes us through the history of the electrical grid and how it works; the kind of current it was designed to handle
-The problem with ground current
-How energy efficient appliances create frequency on the wire
-Dave explains how our power lines have become horizontal antennas and how they affect our health
-Why compact fluorescent light bulbs are not a good thing
-We’ve always heard how walking barefoot on the grass could ground us; Dave says differently
-Discharging through bathing in Epsom salts and standing on aluminum foil
-Why will grounding mats make you sick?
-Grounding is bad; discharging is good
-The big ‘smart meter’ problem
and so much more!
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dave stetzer on grounding and smart meters, december 17, 2013
'Dave Stetzer – The Difference Between Grounding the Body and Discharging Energy; They Are Not the Same – December 17, 2013' have 6 comments
December 18, 2013 @ 9:07 pm Daniel Whipple
Clint Ober, the founder of Earthing, has no credentials? He was trained in electrical work and was a pioneer in cable television and internet. Lots of experience. And what of all the many many people that I have spoken with who have been healed of many afflictions due to inflammation, which was reduced or eliminated by receiving the naturally negatively charged electrons from the surface of the earth? i know what sickness to to electrical poisoning feels like and i’ve only experienced benefits from grounding. i used to work in front of a computer for 10 hours a day and when i got grounded, my repetitive stress symptoms went away and i had way more energy.
December 23, 2013 @ 10:32 pm John
Hi; I`ve done some deer hunting in my time. I have feild dressed deer. I`ev skined deer & deboned them, cut them into steaks, roasts, ect. BUT I can dam well tell YOU !! I am NO surgeon. Can you see how I & the surgeon both use a form of knife to do a given job? I would be willing to say / bet that there are surgeons that would NOT know how to feild dress or process a deer. PLEASE! LISTEN to what Dave is SAYING, on the subject of “dirty” electricity. And how to deal with it. And as far as being grounded, Do YOU even know what that means? I think NOT.
December 23, 2013 @ 7:27 pm cab
The guest said it depends where you live. Some places are full of electrical current that the power companies are using to siphon off current. If you go to a remote place, like the beach, you won’t get the same effect as if you live in the city. Makes sense to me. How one is able to determine which place is good for grounding and which place is going to give you more reason to need grounding — that is something the guest didn’t answer.
December 27, 2013 @ 4:37 pm Robert Cohl, d.c.
I have used the grounding sheets since 2007, and have had many patients use them, with varying reponses. After listening to this interview today, I recall Clint Ober did his original research in Arizona and later hooked up with researchers in Southern California. These localities have very dry enviroments: air and ground soils. Lower moisture translates to less current running through the earthing system only with it connected to the ground and not the house socket. Therefore, Mr. Stetzer makes a good case for what environment: dry or wet makes the difference.
January 3, 2014 @ 8:37 pm Steve
Darkfield microscopy of blood cells when the person is subjected to a smart meter:
January 10, 2014 @ 8:32 pm V. F.
Upon asking a City engineer in Milpitas CA what would happen if PG&E decided to shut off my power for non-compliance with the Smart Meter program or Opt-Out Program (which implies acceptance of the legitimacy of the Smart Meter program), I was instructed that the City of Milpitas would be required to EVICT me from MY HOME….because of an inability to heat my home at night. I was told that I would be able to visit my home only during the day.