Patrick Timpone
David Burton
Director of the film InGREEDients
Do you know what partially hydrogenated oil is? What does zero grams of trans fat per serving really mean? Do you know what is in the food you eat on a daily basis? Registered nurse and filmmaker, David Burton knows. What you think you know about your diet and the food you eat is completely wrong…DEAD wrong!
Ride along on this culinary roller coaster as David sets the table with a cornucopia of leading researchers and the most respected scientists and healthcare professionals in the
world. What you will discover is an alarming connection between what you put in your mouth and some of the most disgusting, unpalatable and life-threatening ailments known today!
The three diseases most directly connected with the consumption of hydrogenated oil are heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. These afflictions are eventually deadly if one keeps consuming hydrogenated oils, but with some simple changes in food choices and a little
bit of exercise, these diseases are extremely preventable.
With cutting edge animations rarely achieved in independent filmmaking, inGREEDients will entertain, inspire, educate and at times frighten audiences of all ages. If you could see one movie this year that could save your life….This is that movie!
David is a registered nurse turned filmmaker who received his Associates of Science degree in Nursing in 2005 and has since been working as a registered nurse in the hospital setting on medical, surgical, cardiac, and intensive care units. Now living in Tampa, FL he continues working at a community hospital while pursuing his independent filmmaking career as president and founder of Sir Rebel Films. After making several short films and music videos he found his calling in creating feature length documentaries that have a positive impact on his community. David spent 2 years writing, directing, and editing his first feature documentary inGREEDients, a film that has successfully blended his career as a health care professional with his passion for filmmaking. In 2009inGREEDients took the independent film festival circuit by storm winning 6 awards and self-distributing thousands of DVDs around the globe.
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david burton and the ingreedients movie, september 04, 2012
'David Burton – What You Think You Know About Your Diet and the Food You Eat is DEAD Wrong! – September 4, 2012' has 1 comment
October 26, 2012 @ 1:12 pm David K
I bought the DVD, very interesting and helpful.