Dessie Andrews

Taking on our lawmakers over COVID-19 mandates

Dessie Andrews has filed suit against Governor Greg Abbott, Travis County Judge Sarah Echkart and Austin Mayor Steve Adler.  She has charged them with civil RICO, Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act.  She has claimed that they have committed domestic terrorism against the People of Texas by intimidating and coercing a civilian population.
Andrews holds a PhD in constitutional study and law and has long been attempting to remove from public office any person who holds the position under color of law.  To this end, she has continually researched and studied the Supreme Law of the Land and has worked diligently to aid and assist victims of bank abuse and tyranny.

Show highlights:

The flu kills between 75,000 and 165,000 a year
Filling a federal lawsuit for civil racketeering against Governor Greg Abbott and the county judge and mayor of Austin
Governor Abbott issued an “Issue of Disaster” because 30 people in Texas were diagnosed with Covid
Farmers were told by bureaucrats what they could and couldn’t grow when the FDA was created by FDR
The New Deal created administrative agencies which control/ tell us what to do
How would a more constitutional government affect the people?
The only reason for government is to protect you and your rights
The constitutional oath that senators and governors do not have to take
The attorney general can defend the state and state officials
They changed the standards of what constitutes a Covid case to make the numbers go up
Dessie Andrews hopes to inspire others with her lawsuits to stand up to what is currently going on
Is there any daylight for redress for this idea of domestic terrorism?
Is president Trump doing the best he can by giving the states more control over how to handle Covid?
Attributing 20 million HIV deaths to Fauci
Implementing a national shutdown would be worse than the effects of the virus
Magnetic resonance and vibrations with what is currently going on
It’s going to become harder and harder to live as free people
Businesses are threatened with a $1,000 fine if they allow people without masks in their businesses
More people are being tested for Covid, yet the death rate is decreasing
There hasn’t been any case proven that someone has died from (not with) Covid
Less than 1% of the population of Texas has died from Covid
Companies that have filled bankruptcy sine Covid
President Trump is withdrawing from the WHO
How elections are diversions
the supreme court said the electors of the electoral college are not committed to vote for who won the popular vote

Dessie Andrews is a long time researcher and active in court proceedings without a lawyer, is suing Governor Gregg Abbott, Texas for domestic terrorism with mandates over COVID, July 8, 2020

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