May 11th, 2014

If you drink water throughout the day, you are one step closer to optimal health. Staying hydrated is important whether you are fighting an illness, trying to lose weight, or just need more energy. But even more than simple water, drinking lemon water offers a wide array of benefits.

Lemon water (and fruit-infused water in general), is extremely trendy right now. Sure, they give you a lemon wedge when you order water in a restaurant, but this isn’t the only place you should be drinking the tart and refreshing infusion.

So why should you add lemon water to your daily routine?

1. Nutritional Potency

Lemon is packed with nutrients.It is loaded with vitamin C, B vitamins, fiber, magnesium, iron, calcium, and more potassium than apples and grapes. Vitamin C in particular is an important antioxidant that can help protect the body from free radicals, which work to damage healthy cells and potentially cause inflammation, among other things.

2. Digestion

Hydrating in general promotes healthy digestion and regularity. But lemon water also helps soothe indigestion, heartburn, bloating, and burping. Pectin in the lemons is also very good for colon health.

3. Complexion

Again, hydration is excellent for promoting healthy skin, but adding lemon to your water can go one step further. The antioxidants in lemon water help fight the signs of aging and can even decrease blemishes. Don’t stop at drinking it, put some directly on your age spots and scars to diminish their appearance.

4. Weight Loss

When you want to lose weight, one of the greatest pieces of advice is to drink more water. But when you add lemon to the mix, your weight loss drink is supercharged. The pectin promotes regular digestion and can help you feel full. When you feel a craving coming on, try a glass of lemon water instead.

5. Increased energy

Lemon essential oil is used in aromatherapy to brighten the mood, to wake you up and get you moving. But in lemon water, lemon juice can provide similar benefits. For this reason, many people find drinking warm lemon water in the morning a good alternative to coffee, even using it to aid in caffeine withdrawals.

Lemon water is inexpensive and loaded with benefits. Make sure you are washing the lemons thoroughly before squeezing their juices into your water or slicing the fruit and putting it directly in your glass.

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