According to the Corn Refiners Association, high-fructose corn syrup
contains the same amount of calories as cane and beet sugar, is
metabolized by the body the same way as these sweeteners are, and is an
all-natural product.

Their current ad campaign insists that high-fructose corn syrup is
just like honey, which is made by enzymes in a bees abdomen — as
opposed to the enzymes and acids in centrifuges, ion exchange columns
and liquid chromatographers used to make high-fructose corn syrup.

High-fructose corn syrup could be all-natural, if cornstarch
happened to fall into a vat of alpha-amylase, soak there for a while,
then trickle into another vat of glucoamylase, get strained to remove
the Aspergillus fungus likely growing on top, and then find its way
into some industrial-grade D-xylose isomerase.

High-fructose corn syrup is indeed similar to cane sugar in that it
is about 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose. The American
Medical Association issued a statement explaining that "high-fructose
syrup does not appear to contribute more to obesity than other caloric
sweeteners" … but they also said that "consumers [should] limit the
amount of all added caloric sweeteners to no more than 32 grams of
sugar daily." Most sodas contain about 40 grams of high-fructose corn

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