Neal Barnard, MD

Author of The Vegan Starter Kit

Leading medical authority Neal Barnard, MD, FACC, shows you how to put the power of a vegan diet to work with an easy, step-by-step approach. Many are looking to adopt a more healthful diet but may have questions, like: How do I plan a vegan meal? Is protein an issue? How do I make it work if I don’t cook? Which are the best choices at restaurants? In THE VEGAN STARTER KIT Dr. Neal Barnard, perhaps the world’s most respected authority on vegan diets, answers your questions and gives you everything you need to put vegan power to work. You’ll learn how to ensure complete nutrition, and get quick-reference charts for calcium sources, tips for modifying your favorite recipes, and examples of quick and easy meals. Everything you need for permanent weight control and dramatically better health is presented. THE VEGAN STARTER KIT also includes information on healthy eating in childhood, pregnancy, and other stages of life, and a complete set of basic meals, holiday feasts, snacks, among many other features. Whether readers want to test out a vegan diet or are looking to adopt a new lifestyle, many struggle with the same basic questions: How do you plan a vegan meal? How do you get enough protein? How do you find time to cook? Can you eat any meals at restaurants? In THE VEGAN STARTER KIT Dr. Neal Barnard, the world’s most respected authority on vegan diets, answers these common questions and offers everything you need to start having a vegan diet. The book includes details on ensuring complete nutrition, quick-reference charts for calcium sources, tips for modifying your favorite recipes, and examples of quick and easy meals. THE VEGAN STARTER KIT also includes information on specialized dietary needs such as vegan diets in childhood, pregnancy, and other stages of life, and a complete set of basic meals, holiday feasts, and snacks, among many other features

Check out the book

Dr. Barnard talks about a study he was involved with involving 99 people and the vegan group had 3 times lower A1C levels..this is the standard blood test gauging blood sugar over some months.

Dr. Barnard suggests the fat in meat and dairy are the causes of insulin resistance and not the carbohydrates who have been the “culprits” in most “authorities” on the subject.

Dr. Barnard says the lower cholesterol numbers equate to better health stats.

If carbs are not the reason for weight gain, then why do the Paleo people loose considerable weight on meat and veggies?

He suggests anyone going Vegan for just three weeks will notice improvements and weight loss that will be impressive. 

Dr. Neal Barnard M.D. and The Vegan starter Kit, November 26, 2018

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