Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) enjoyed telling the story of a gruff old medical doctor who died and went to Heaven.
The doctor found himself in front of the Pearly Gates, where there was a very long line.
He immediately rushed up to St. Peter and insisted, “I’m a doctor. I shouldn’t have to wait in this line. Can I go right in?”
But St. Peter replied, “Everyone has to wait their turn. Go to the end of the line.”
The old doctor mumbled and grumbled, and returned to the rear of the line.
Suddenly, a smiling young doctor rushed right past him and went directly up to the Pearly Gates.
“Hi, St. Pete,” the young doctor shouted out. He took off his stethoscope and quickly walked through the Pearly Gates into Heaven.
This really irritated the old doctor.
He angrily approached St. Peter again, and demanded, “I’m a doctor too. How come that doctor gets to go right into Heaven and I’m still stuck at the end of this doggone line?”
St. Peter replied, “Because you’re a doctor playing God. That was God playing doctor.”
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