


The Drugless Doctor

Dr. Robert DeMaria D.C., N.H.C.

Dr. Bobs Drugless Approach Emphasizes Education, Empowerment and Prevention

-Easy tips for maintaining a healthy liver.

-The importance of avoiding GMO’s and soy.

-B-Vitamins-Why we need them and how to get them

-DHA and how transfats prevent the body from making it

-Can ADHD be cured?

-Hear what he has to say about the 25,000,000 prescriptions that were written last year


This interview is loaded with great and useful info

Dr. Bob DemariaDr. Robert DeMaria has been providing and championing alternative health solutions to thousands of patients globally for over thirty years. Realizing that the world needs a drugless “hero”, Dr. Bob has answered the call by writing six books in the “Dr. Bob’s Guide to Health” series. These books delve into Dr. Bob’s expertise in the areas of ADHD, Female Hormones, and Sex and Relationships. Dr. Bob’s keen intellect and “go-get ’em” attitude has resulted in many TV and radio appearances, including regular segments on Cleveland Fox 8’s “That’s Life with Robin Swoboda”, WFAN in New York City, and his own “Half-Hour to Health” television program which airs each Saturday in the Northern Ohio market. Dr. Bob’s drugless approach emphasizes education, empowerment, and prevention, which are three qualities that our world needs most. Dr. Bob’s mission is to provide answers to topics for which we all have questions.


Visit Br. Bobs Website


dr bob, drugless docotor, may 30, hour one

'Dr. Bob-Robert DeMaria D.C., N.H.C.- Simple Solutions for Optimal Health – May 30, 2011' has 1 comment

  1. May 31, 2011 @ 8:47 pm de_nogent

    Love this guy!

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