Dr. David Evans

Is Global Warming Man Made?

New solar theory predicts imminent global cooling

david-evans-smilingDavid Evans is an electrical engineer and mathematician, who earned six university degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering over ten years, including a PhD from Stanford University in electrical engineering (digital signal processing): PhD. (E.E), M.S. (E.E.), M.S. (Stats) from Stanford University, B.E. (Hons, University Medal), M.A. (Applied Math), B.Sc. from the University of Sydney. He is an expert in Fourier analysis and signal processing, and trained with Professor Ronald Bracewell late of Stanford University.

David’s main job is researching mathematics (Fourier analysis, calculus, the number system, multivariable polynomials, and related topics). This pays nothing, so David has been doing consulting jobs and investing on the stock market since 1990. Notably, David consulted full-time for the Australian Greenhouse Office from 1999 to 2005, and part-time for the Department of Climate Change from 2008 to 2010, and was the lead modeler in developing FullCAM, the world-leading carbon accounting model that Australia uses for analyzing the carbon in Australia’s biosphere for the Kyoto Protocol.

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Show Highlights:

-Dr. Evans gives us a little history about Australia and it’s land and some fascinating facts about Perth.

-Dr. Evans is certain the Earth will be cooling in the next few years and tells us why.

-The current climate models are all wrong.

-Dr. Evans tells us the Sun is controlling things, not man.

-The 2020s should be cooler than the 1980s

-Understanding the sun spot cycles

-Who came up with the theory of global warming?

-How global warming became a political issue

and more!!

david evans phd predicting global cooling, august 23, 2016

'FROM THE ARCHIVES: Dr. David Evans – New Solar Theory Predicts Imminent Global Cooling – August 23, 2016' have 13 comments

  1. August 24, 2016 @ 4:25 am Trevor

    From Where Is see He was working for global warming group Who lied about the true data Then so as I see it he has no credibility at all ???????????? and CO2 is the most important element needed for the plants turning CO2 into oxegen
    Global warming was always the greatest scam, for these idiots to profit, from proposed Carbon Trading????
    As a result and further research, I have no trust in any SO CALLED scientists They just say what they are payed for??? Disgusting Trevor


    • August 25, 2016 @ 10:18 pm Catherine

      He does have credibility …. He has stated that he used to believe in the carbon dioxide theory, then on finding zero empirical evidence to support same theory – he did the maths and found the major error.


  2. August 24, 2016 @ 12:19 pm Trevor P.

    Different Trevor here. A one-degree fahrenheit temperature fall worldwide is insignificant, contrary to the speaker’s claim. He also ignores the copious evidence on chemtrails, despite being well-prodded by Patrick. Of course he has to do this to ensure his employment and funding, regardless of the truth. This is how the global élite maintain control.


    • August 25, 2016 @ 3:42 pm Oriana

      I agree Trevor P., there is no way this otherwise well-spoken scientist doesn’t know about the global geoengineering program going on in plain sight, and if he really doesn’t he needs to step away from his computer models and look up at the sky once in a while….followed by some real research into the vast evidence available of course. Still a good interview….thanks Patrick!


      • August 25, 2016 @ 10:23 pm Catherine lee

        I also agree with Trevor and orient about geoengineering – but this was not his topic. A lot of educated people struggle with the reality of geoengineering as there doesn’t appear to be a good reason for doing so. And if it’s eugenics (horrible thought) – then how are the instigators and their families protected?


      • August 25, 2016 @ 10:23 pm Catherine lee

        I also agree with Trevor and orient about geoengineering – but this was not his topic. A lot of educated people struggle with the reality of geoengineering as there doesn’t appear to be a good reason for doing so. And if it’s eugenics (horrible thought) – then how are the instigators and their families protected?


  3. August 24, 2016 @ 2:38 pm Rosalind

    As for his stand on Chemtrails…give him Tony Pantalleresco’s phone number. He said he can’t find any evidence? It’s all over the place!


  4. August 25, 2016 @ 2:40 am john oneill

    has he been poked , cia feds illumanti hard to trust these days


  5. August 25, 2016 @ 10:51 am Greg

    His views on chemtrails aside….I pretty much agree with him. That big yellow ball in the sky controls our climate. There have been Ice Ages and warming periods for millennia. The internal combustion engine had nothing to do with any of it.


    • August 25, 2016 @ 10:28 pm Catherine

      Yes – and he didn’t mention the fact that earth’s warming periods mirror the elliptical path of earth around the sun very much more closely than altering CO2 levels.


  6. August 25, 2016 @ 3:42 pm Catherine

    Dr Evans is right on track. We are installing fear in our populations by propagating a myth based on false science … a science which is funded in large part by Green Energies. Huge numbers of scientists and Green Energy employees are reliant on us believing in “man-made climate change” for their bread and butter. Government goes along with this myth to please the uninformed masses and to thus maintain political power. What’s worse – our countries are going into massive debt supporting on invalidated science – taxing carbon will make no difference to our lust for energy and materialism … we no longer want horses and carts, or to get up and go to bed with the sun to save on power. We we are going to pay dearly for this new “global warming” fear-mongering – individually, nationally and internationally. Our children and grandchildren will never know the advantages that we have all had, all thanks to cheap, highly efficient and now very-low-emission, mineral wealth. Last point – one windmill needs 220 tonnes of coking coal for its construction, and what about the sea of toxic batteries to store these ridiculous green energies – we have not thought this through …. SAD …


  7. August 27, 2016 @ 12:51 am Trevor


    (or was it silly walks)

    The dumb proles will lap it all up and keep seeing their contrails, and keep having their children, which the whole elite agenda is designed to prevent.


  8. August 28, 2016 @ 6:07 am SM

    Thank you Patrick and Dr Evans for a very interesting show. Dr Evans may like to look at the evidence showing that Co2 levels always trail warming and cooling cycles as would be expected in an externally driven system (the sun). Also of interest is that Co2 levels are measured at atmospheric levels of under 0.04% which are insignificant amounts in comparison to water vapor in terms of “greenhouse gases”

    Thanks again


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