Patrick Timpone


Dr. David Jernigan, DC

Bio-Resonance Scanningâ„¢ and Circuit Healingâ„¢

Dr. Jernigan is a published author and is nationally recognized as a leader in Biological Medicine and the treatment of chronic illness. Graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition with honors, he received his doctorate at Cleveland Chiropractic College-KC. Post Graduate studies have taken him far and wide, studying natural and anthroposophical medicine in Germany and Biological Medicine with the world-renowned Paracelsus Klinic of Switzerland, with later studies providing certification in Botanical Medicine through the University of Colorado, School of Pharmacy. Dr. Jernigan is also the developer of the diagnostic and treatment technique Bio-Resonance Scanning™ and a whole new concept in medicine called Circuit Healing™.

Show Highlights:

-Going beyond homeopathic medicine with Bio-Resonance Scanning

-As a man thinks in his heart, is he: Dr. Jernigan explains the role of the heart; it is not a pump. This is fascinating

-Anthroposophic Medicine (Anthropos = human being : Sophia = wisdom) is a form of complementary medicine developed by Rudolf Steiner that views the entire human being. The anthroposophical approach to medicine adds spiritual insight to diagnosis and healing. Applied by conventionally trained medical doctors who combine orthodox medical treatment with complementary practice, this modern holistic paradigm combines European homeopathics, plant medicines, natural remedies and elements of allopathic principles. Inspired by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), anthroposophic medicine takes into account that human beings, nature and the cosmos are interrelated. Many other therapeutic disciplines that have developed within the approach include homeopathic and herbal remedies, homecare, nursing, artistic therapy, music therapy, hydrotherapy, curative eurythmy (movement), and massage.

-What is now happening to the body since we’ve suppressed the body in fighting disease?

-Talking Polio: When polio was really raging, still only 1 in 100 came down with the disease

-Lymes Disease explained


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dr david jernigan and star trek healing, january 14, 2014

'Dr. David Jernigan, DC – Bio-Resonance Scanningâ„¢ and Circuit Healingâ„¢ – January 14, 2014' has 1 comment

  1. January 16, 2014 @ 2:49 am cab

    Really good show, interesting. Could you get him back on? I’d like to ask him what his opinion is of Dr. Tennant’s biomodulator. You get some wonderful guests on here and Patrick does an A-plus job of interviewing.


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