
Patrick Timpone

Dr. David Jubb

Life Food Guru

LIVE from Norway

-Strengthening the immune system with proper digestion

and re-establishing the intestinal flora

-The adverse effects of milk

-Why magnesium is so essential

-Strengthening the body after chemotherapy

-Dr. Jubbs opinion of biofeedback

Tuesday, July 5

David Jubb Ph.D. is an expert on life food, author, lecturer, and one of the world’s top naturalists, a physiologist, microspocist and blood formation specialist. He is innovator in the field of neurology, language, communication, gender roles, nutrition, blood formation, and colloidal biology

dr david jubb, july 5, 2011

'Dr. David Jubb – LIVE from Norway – July 5, 2011' has 1 comment

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