Patrick Timpone


Dr. Eric Love

Bach Flower Remedies

Spoken of by many as one of the greatest living masters of the Bach Flower Remedies, Dr. Love has the oldest ongoing classes in the Bach Remedies in the world, forty years, and has worked with over 100,000 people.

He has been a practicing Homeopath now for forty years, although he is no longer in private practice. He has served as Founder and Director of the International Association of Homeopathy, based in Montana, for 18 years. And he has been honored to train many thousands of individuals from Hong Kong to Israel, and around the United States. who now use his healing approach.

Show Highlights:

-What is God trying to teach us?

-Patrick’s been using Bach flower remedies for a couple of months; he gives us a report on how it’s going

-Going through the process of finding out where the problem originates

-How can essences of flowers bring out the issues you need to work on?

-Flooding yourself with virtue through taking flower essences

-How long does it take to resolve issues when using flower essences?

-Rescue Remedy is the best all around Bach Flower Remedy; good for every trauma

-Dr. Love talks about ‘the dark night of the soul’; there’s a lesson in the suffering

-Could Bach Flower Remedies help an alcoholic?

-Does Rescue Remedy help with sleep?

and so much more!!

Visit Website


Dr. Eric Love


dr eric love on bach flower healing remedies, december 3, 2013

'Dr. Eric Love – Bach Flower Remedies: Don’t Work on Conditions, Work on Yourself – December 3, 2013' has 1 comment

  1. December 23, 2013 @ 9:21 pm mushroomboy

    This guy is good. I have had positive benefits from using the remedies. BTW a user forum would be great. Maybe trusted veteran listeners could help moderate it. Thanks for the great shows.


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