Dr. Gabriel Cousens

COVID-19 (Wuhan Coronavirus) Update:Homeopathics, Herbs, Foods, Essential Oils,and Supplements for Prevention

Dr. Cousens joined us for this special show to talk about the new novel corona virus that originated in China. He shared homeopathic remedies, foods to add to your diet and essential oils to support the immune system. Share this with your friends. This is an informative show!!!

Show highlights:

The Spanish Flu had a 2% mortality

We’re looking at 15-18% mortality with the new corona virus

How do we know it’s weaponized? If it is, it’s weaponized toward the Asian population

Kids 10 years or less don’t appear to be affected by this virus

Infected people, once they are cured, appear to be able to be re-infected

Dr. Cousen talks prevention ideas: Red algae, silver, & iodine. Dr. Cousens gives dosages. On a side note, red algae seems to really work on Herpes

The implications of 5G on our health

and so much more!

This is an excellent show; please share this with your friends!!!!

Read this article written by Dr. Cousens for more explicit details

Dr. Gabriel Cousins M.D. gives a 50 year experiential opinion on the coronavirus causes and protection, February 27, 2020

'Dr. Gabriel Cousens – Wuhan Coronavirus: The Healthier You Are, the Better You Are Protected – February 27, 2020' have 2 comments

  1. March 1, 2020 @ 10:53 am Rena

    Great show. I hope Dr. Cousens will be back on the show again. Thanks!


  2. March 30, 2020 @ 1:37 am Kristof Gabriel van Hooymissen

    Keep going
    Kristo Gabriel


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