Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident

 Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in Health Care Administration. She practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods.
She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985. She is the author of the award winning book, Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful?

Healers Home Study Course


Consultation with Dr. Daniels


Candida Cleaner Report:vitalitycapsules.com

Show highlights:

Corona 101 for kindergardeners; being afraid of something that will actually make us stronger and live longer

Building a life that is not affected by the madness

Things people will do for a government check

Worrying about the election is not a good use of time

Dr. Daniels talks about parasites; alkaline water, fennel seeds and fermented foods

Is there any benefit from pre-natal care? Eat food and gain weight, that’s about all you need

Questions from listeners:

Does Dr. Daniels know of some home remedies that can successfully reverse a sharply receding hairline, especially to regrow the hair over the temples?

What are some foods, herbs or supplements that can completely repair the tissues inflamed by ulcers in the digestive tract?

My daughter is now 7 1/2 months pregnant.  They want to do yet another blood test, but she can’t afford to lose any blood at this point and I don’t think it is necessary. Everything has been normal so far. I have also noticed that they take many more vials of blood when they do tests these days.  Do you think we can test her glucose and protein well enough via drug store urine dipstick tests?  

On the last show you offered advice for tooth loss by consuming cow leg and hoof. Would Oxtail work as well? And what is in the bones that aids in the calcium loss?

Please ask Jennifer what does she recommend for repetitive urinary tract infections? I’m a 62-year-old man and I’m not on any medication.

Re: Vitality Capsules – I would like to ask: Taking three Vitality Capsules I do not have any reaction but taken four, each time, give v. bad diarrhea. After 2 bottles and experimentation because of lost weight/muscles I had to stop taking them. 

I recently had to have my house treated for bed bugs.  I had some mild but noticeable symptoms of toxicity and I’m curious of some ways to detox and protect myself, my partner, children and young kittens from the pesticides the best way we can.

91 year old Aunt has an issue with gas and loose stools, what would you recommend for her? BTW,  she  is on no medications, and lives in her own home. 

My friend was diagnosed with high blood pressure. He drinks a lot of water from those small plastic bottles…but also a lot of beer. 
Also my eyes are needing glasses sometimes. I wonder if it’s because I am using my cell phone internet more?

I’m a 44 year old female who is experiences spotting from ovulation until my period. I stopped breastfeeding my child 13 months ago and my midwife and my nurse practitioner have no concerns. Told this will level out. Well, after 13 months I think my hormones are not in balance. I have no libido and think my estrogen is permanently on vacation. I have been going to acupuncture for 6 weeks and while it is assisting with anxiety, I am not seeing a reduction in spotting.

My hair is getting thinner and thinner. Now I barely pull on a follicle and it easily comes out. I’m a gal..70 years old and hair still brown and long.

Am I a fool for staying put in the city and dealing with the Covid Craziness or would you suggest getting out of Dodge, it’s a losing battle? If not Panama, which other places would be on your list for relocation?

and so much more! The emails Dr. Daniels answered are too numerous to write so if you sent in a question, it was most probably answered.

Dr. Jennifer Daniels, M.D. with our monthly show with lots and lots of your questions answered, October 26, 2020

'Dr. Jennifer Daniels -Detaching Yourself from Any Strings the Puppet Master is Pulling – October 26, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. October 30, 2020 @ 6:23 pm Suzy

    The take-home message I got from this show is……PIG’S EARS! I’ll be moving to Central America soon. Can’t wait to scope out my source of pig’s ears and other tender vittles, such as cow’s feet, liver, soup bones, etc. Thanks Jennifer and Patrick!


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