Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident

 Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in Health Care Administration. She practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods.
She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985. She is the author of the award winning book, Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful?

Healers Home Study Course


Consultation with Dr. Daniels


Candida Cleaner Report:


Show highlights:

Dr. Daniels gives us her summary big picture on this coronavirus

Exploring the data of Italy deaths; coronavirus is the innocent passenger, not the driver of deaths

The scientific way things are measured and determined

How are the universities connected with the government

Dr. Daniels tells how the government owns this generation through student loans

Dealing with clogged tear ducts

Is there a way to avoid surgery for venus reflux disease?

What is NAC and what is it used for?

How can cherry angiomas be safely removed from the skin without causing any scarring?

What are some recommendations for repairing varicose and spider veins?

Some ideas for a listener who has found a lump in his left scrotum

Why does Dr. Daniels think so many people died of the Spanish Flu? How about the Bubonic plague?

When you’re looking for a problem, you’ll usually find one; over testing is like opening Pandoras Box

and so much more!!

Dr. Jennifer Daniel’s and her take on Carona and much, much more, March 23, 2020

'Dr. Jennifer Daniels – The King Has No Clothes, Now Will Someone Just Please Say It? – March 23, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. March 25, 2020 @ 4:50 pm CAB

    That was a fantastic program. Thank you! I miss Dr. Daniels — used to catch her all the time and now it’s such a treat to find her. If you could bribe her to come on more often, it would be even better. My favorite natural healer on the Net — taught me so much. Thank you, Patrick and Sharon, for your programs.


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