Patrick Timpone

Dr. Jeremiah Bursch

Knee, Chest, Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic

After practicing several years and helping a lot of people feel better, Dr. Bursch found that the “general” chiropractic techinques taught in chiropractic school didn’t provide the results he knew were possible in more complicated cases.

Ultimately, Dr. Bursch was introduced to Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic Care and completed the specialized training necessary to specialize in Upper Cervical Correction. Only about 3% of chiropractors complete this specialized training.

Dr. Bursch also studied acupuncture and was certified in “Acupuncture Orthopedics” by the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Eventually he learned of Classical Japanese Style Acupuncture, a traditional method of acupuncture application. Unfortunately, even with how effective this Japanese approach to acupuncture is, only a handful of acupuncturists use it.

The result of combining both Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care with Classical Japanese Style Acupuncture has been a highly effective combination to correct the cause of many health conditions and ailments.

Show Highlights:

-Why is the Knee, Chest, Upper Cervical Specific method not taught in chiropractic schools? Dr. Bursch has a theory and tells us what makes this method so special

-With all those adjustments, do regular chiropractors ever really succeed in adjusting the Atlas?

-Why the vast majority of people are misaligned

-Pulling and twisting a baby during childbirth often misaligns the body for it’s entire life. Can babies be adjusted?

-What’s happening when the Atlas is misaligned?

-How can emotional trauma and bad food cause misalignment?

-Bones are important, but the nerves run everything

-Dr. Bursch explains why function is more important than structure

and so much more!



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dr jeremeiah bursch, knee chest upper cervical, november 7, 2013

'Dr. Jeremiah Bursch – Knee, Chest, Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic: Getting the Atlas Right – November 7, 2013' has 1 comment

  1. November 8, 2013 @ 2:59 pm James

    Patrick, I live in the Houston Tx. area and have not found a Chiropractor that works in this area of practice. When , I brought up this technique he had a strange response and wanted to investigate this but he never changed his practice at all ! James


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