Thursday, February 15

Dr. Jodie Gruensteren


Promoting Ideas & Products for the Natural Health of Pets & Their People


Dr. Jodie has made it her mission is to encourage the integration of natural foods and remedies into pet health care. “Too many pets are developing severe allergies and cancer. Their immune systems are severely compromised due to excessive vaccinations, processed food nutrition and toxic environments, “she says. She is available to speak to small and large venues to explain this concern.

To facilitate this mission she has formulated a unique line of natural pet products. Each product fulfills a needed niche. Dr. Jodie relies on raw diets for food therapy. She needed single source meat protein treats with NO starch. There weren’t any; so she decided to formulate her own. The result is D-Lectables!

There are many gaps in the natural pet industry. Dr. Jodie’s N-Trail Mix is a delicious blend of crunchy, freeze-dried organ bits which fill a functional food need and delight the most finicky carnivores! Furfume is a 100% essential oil coat spray which pet parents say smells fabulous and prefer vs. spot-on products.

Watch for continued growth in Dr. Jodie’s product collection as she develops new ways to meet the needs of dogs and cats and their naturally-minded pet parents.

Dr. Jodie grew up on a hobby farm and is very understanding of the needs of today’s pet parents as she is one herself!

Dr. Jodie enjoys caring for her own many rescued dogs and cats. She is a member of many veterinary associations, Elmbrook Church, attends Scottsdale Bible Church and she is a gluten-free vegetarian!


Here’s  a quick link to all of Dr. Jodi’s great products through ORN and Amazon


Visit Website


Hear Dr. Jodi’s insights on natural pet care, regardless of budget, to feed your pets

How to add just a few veggies to your best friend’s diet

Listener asks are puppy vaccines necessary

Dr. Jodi explains how rabies titer blood tests work and are a very accurate measurement of immunity without more vaccines

How about a ketogenic diet for doggies

Listener emails in with a nice testimonial for Dr. Broderick’s all organic pet food in cans…and we agree..wonderful product 


Dr. Jodi with great insights and experience with taking care of our little four legged family members, February 15, 2018

'Dr. Jodi Gruenstern DVM – Natural Pet Care – The Best Foods and Vaccine Options – February 15, 2018' has 1 comment

  1. February 15, 2018 @ 6:40 pm Maryanna

    I have always made sure my cats have access to a bowl of r/o water with 1/4 – 1/2 tsp BAKING SODA in it and in 30+ years and many cats, I’ve never had a cat with a crystal problem. Also I have never fed a cat anything but grain-free kibble but supplement with an occasional egg yolk and daily juice from my own meats for bloody liquids.


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