Author of Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time

So Is Cardio and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want

Many fitness “experts” defend weights and cardio like they are infallible, but where are the results? Why does almost nobody look even marginally athletic?

Fitness may be the most failed human endeavor, and you are about to see how exercise science has missed some obvious principles that when enacted will turn you into the superhuman you always wanted to be.

In Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, Dr. John Jaquish and Henry Alkire explore the science that supports this argument and lay out a superior strength training approach that has been seen to put 20 pounds of muscle on drug-free, experienced lifters (i.e. not beginners) in six months.

Author of Weight Lifting Is A Waste of Time?  Why so?

Exercise is not a waste of time.  Some are counterproductive. 

Book is about variable resistance as a stimulus for growth.  26% of people can’t grow muscle, no matter what they do with weights.  99% can only grow a small amount of muscle.

Some have a genetic tendency for longer tendon and insertion points, which act as a lever in the body.  These people build muscle and are the professional athletes.  Nothing to do with testosterone.

Microtears are inversely related to muscle growth.

Want to stipulate, not damage the muscle.  Very difficult to damage muscle with variable resistance.

More powerful at the top of a squat movement, but bottom portion is limiting.  Want weight light at bottom, heavier at top, average in the middle.

X3 bands use strong steel band and tree latex.  They never take tension off the muscle.  Don’t want to rest at the bottom.

A lot of dietary myths about carbs and protein.  Body needs good protein, it doesn’t turn to fat.  Don’t need 7 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Government advice promotes weaker people.

Most gyms don’t allow variable resistance.   

Want to use less weight when you’re exposed to risk, more weight in stronger parts.

Do you need to count reps with X3 and time under tension?  Suggest 2 second up, 2 second down cadence and count reps.

26% non-muscle-growers will grow muscle with X3. 

Visit jaquishbiomedical.com to see pictures of X3 system.

X3 launched 4 years.

What if you paused using X3?  Muscles would just go away and atrophy.

Super important to have a low risk exercise so won’t have recovery pauses.

Need protein to grow muscle.  Eggs are 48% usable protein-are the best.  Meat and fish – about 38%.  Plants 9% or lower.

Need quality fat.  Need essential fats, essential amino acids.  No essential carbohydrate.

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Veganism is an unhealthy phenomenon, like anorexia and bulimia.

Insulin sensitivity is a theory, it’s subjective.  HbA1C is what’s important. 

Profit margins in carbs far more than what they are for steak.

Burst exercise is good.  It’s not about being fast, but repetitive moment is bad for joints.  We’re designed for sprints and not long distance running.

People that do strength training have better cardiovascular health than people who do endurance training.

Jaquishbiomedical.com is his website.

'DR. JOHN JAQUISH | Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time; So Is Cardio and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want | November 7, 2022' has 1 comment

  1. November 17, 2022 @ 11:01 am JASMYNE

    hi guys! even with a 70% carb diet and grain fed meat, the top crops, by weight on this planet, are barley (#1) and coffee. coffee and beer!


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