Dr. Lina Garcia


Cleaner Teeth, Longer Life;  What Mainstream Medicine Doesn’t Know or Won’t Tell You


Dr. Lina Garcia, DDS, DMD, who is Dr. Mercola’s dentist, is committed to treating her patients both dentally and nutritionally, focusing on the entire body, beyond the teeth and gums.

Dr. Garcia is a doctor of medical dentistry. She is on staff at St. Alexius Medical Center in Illinois and Methodist Hospitals in Indiana. She graduated from the University of Nova Friburgo Dental School in 1985 and did her residency at Sesi Hospital in Rio de Janeiro. She graduated from the Boston University Advanced Dental Program in 1991. Dr. Garcia is also trained in cranial osteopathy and works with an osteopathic physician and a nutritionist to help guide her patients toward optimal dental and overall health.

For over 30 years, Dr. Garcia has been dedicated to the research and teaching of alternative solutions for conventional dentistry.

Show highlights:

-Dr. Garcia’s authored the book “Cleaner Teeth, Longer Life; What Mainstream Medicine Doesn’t Know Or Won’t Tell You”.  Foreward by Dr. Joseph Mercola.  Preface by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.

-Dr. Garcia’s dental practice recognizes that the mouth is one part of the body.  Incorporates ozone, IVs, alternatives to antibiotic, osteopathic manipulation, nutrition, microscopy.

-She is part of a group of practitioners that support the evolution of medical care.

 -Patients recognize desirability of repeat visits to check on status of bacteria levels in the mouth.

-Ozone is an important tool.  Use with an oxygen tank.

-Her website has videos on how to brush, floss, and wipe the teeth.  Microorganisms will feast on what is left in the mouth and create acidity.

-Inflammation is precursor for autoimmune, cancer, and other diseases.  Fruits can support inflammation.  Keep inflammation down.  Clean mouth, clean gut, rest, contemplation, movement.

-Not all fats, proteins, sugars are the same.  Raw fats not the same as cooked fats;  easier to digest raw fats.

– Longevity means nurturing yourself.  Eat the least amount of food, fewer times a day.  Hydrate with vegetable juices.  Cold shower after a sauna.  Coffee enemas.  Ozone.

Carmen asks how to prepare a homemade toothpaste.  Dr. Garcia is not a big fan of toothpaste, commercial or homemade.  Toothpaste is just for taste.  Most important to wipe the teeth with a thin dry towel or gauze.  See her video.  Only advise electric toothbrush for people with disabilities.  Only floss the teeth you want to keep.

-RJ is getting a root canal taken out.  What is her opinion on implants?   Root canals are dead teeth that harbor pathogenic organisms.  See the chapter in her book about implants.  She doesn’t support metal (titanium) implants because of their galvanic activity.  She uses zirconium implants in healthy patients.


Dr. Garcia’s Website

Dr. Garcia’s Book: Cleaner Teeth, Longer Life


Dr. Lina Garcia D.D.S. Cleaner Teeth and Longer Life, August 1, 2017

'Dr. Lina Garcia – Cleaner Teeth Longer Life – August 1, 2017' have 2 comments

  1. August 15, 2017 @ 10:57 am Cagney McCauley

    Where can i buy a Ozone tool for the teeth?


  2. October 26, 2017 @ 10:40 am Nicki

    Can the toothpaste be ordered by phone and sent in mail?


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