Patrick Timpone
Dr. Lisa Nagy, MD
Chemical Sensitivity & Environmental Illness
Lisa Lavine Nagy MD graduated Magna Cum Laude from The University of Pennsylvania and then from Cornell Medical College in 1986. After a surgical internship she completed Emergency Medicine residency at Metropolitan Hospital in NYC and practiced in Los Angeles until becoming severely ill (Addison’s Disease, Mitochondrial Myopathy, Dysautonomia) – as a result of a complex medical condition known as Chemical Sensitivity or Environmental Illness.
She is now president of Preventive and Environmental Health Alliance which is a group focused on educating medical students, doctors, the AMA, congress and the public and assists patients to find help nationwide. Listening to physicians and other people who have developed severe Environmental Illness is the first step towards helping the 75 million people in the country with various health issues, including autoimmunity, related to their environments. Someone is listening – she was appointed as a delegate to the Massachusetts Medical Society and to the CDC’s National Conversation on Chemicals and Public Health.
She was recently named to the National Institutes of Health Roundtable on Building and Health. At this meeting she speaks to the need for recognition of Environmental Illness in patients who may also have Lyme Disease – often both related to previous exposure to indoor mold in a home or workplace.
Show Highlights:
-Would save billions by getting people with environmental illness back to work.
-We’re all initially chemically sensitive, but we adapt, and then the sensitivity is masked.
-Muscle weakness and fatigue are common reactions after exposures.
-Test a food by abstaining for 4 days, and then eat just that food on the 5th day. Exposure after short periods of abstinence can trigger alarm reaction, but not the typically recommended period of abstinence of 30 days.
-“Losing their foods†– people with severe reactions react to all but a few foods.
-Reactions may be energy mediated. People react too quickly for immune system involvement.
-Use of provocation/neutralization and energy treatments. Fix the membranes.
-Cell phone technology does cause cancer.
-Integrative medicine vs. environmental medicine. Environmental medicine cures the condition.
-Using a potentiometer to measure galvanism in the mouth from metals.
-See for info on POTS. Nerves damaged by toxic exposure, veins don’t constrict and blood pools in the legs. Crossing arms and legs makes blood return. Test with tilt table, look for heartbeat raising 30 minutes in first 10 minutes of tilting.
-EI/mold toxicity affects cortisol, DHEA, aldosterone. Dysautonomia pushes adrenals to push out cortisol, eventually leads to adrenal failure.
-Testosterone protects against renal failure.
-Midodrine dosing for dysautonomia.
-Foods you crave are the ones you’re allergic to.
-Sauna use increases excretion of mold toxins in urine and waste. Do low-heat sauna before a test.
-Ozone will kill mold spores, but doesn’t kill the mycotoxins. No way to reliably mediate, must throw mold exposed stuff away.
-Vitamin C, glutathione, and phosphatidylcholine IVs helpful.
-Scratch test shows release of IgE mediated reactions, not usually high in mold toxicity. IgG testing better for diagnosing mold.
-If drywall gets wet, must open it and expose it on the day of the leak to stop mold starting.
-Many mold toxic people can’t tolerate ozone.
-Magda Havas – a good resource. See ORN shows.
-Perception by doctors and husbands that a woman with environmental illness is crazy.
-Recommend Chris and Dr. Ron Overberg – dietician and nutritionist.
-Dr. Nagy works at The Environmental Health Center of Martha’s Vineyard.
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dr linda nagy m.d.on environmental illness, august 11, 2016
'Dr. Lisa Nagy, MD – Chemical Sensitivity & Environmental Illness – August 11, 2016' have 3 comments
August 13, 2016 @ 3:19 am Rex
Chlorine dioxide handles mycotoxins
Hypochlorous acid handles mycotoxind
Ozone SHOULD handle mycotoxins
August 15, 2016 @ 11:46 am Art Chesmor
Pubis handles dycomorphins
DetraPubis handles Dycomebonics
September 13, 2016 @ 5:24 pm Olivia
Lisa Nagy doesn’t see chemically injured patients. Is this old?