Dr. Mark Sircus

High Performance Health 

Dr. Sircus has written books on so many substances.  On this show we get in deep with Magnesium, Iodine, Hydrogen and Water.  Lots of great information…something for everyone.

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) is a prolific writer and author of some astounding medical and health-related books. Dr. Sircus’s methods are based on medical science and long years of clinical experience, not only his own but experiences of doctors from around the world who have been practicing brilliant medicine.

His books are heavily referenced, but the layperson finds little difficulty in understanding his presentation of medical topics. For many years Dr. Sircus has been researching into the human condition and into the causes of disease; he has distilled many of the divergent medical systems into a new form of medicine that he has coined Natural Allopathic Medicine.

this is the first of what will be monthly visits with Dr. Marc Sircus, the first Tuesday of each month…and it is an honor to have him on

Natural Allopathic Medicine represents a new therapeutic principle that revolutionizes both allopathic and naturopathic medicine offering a radical shift in medical thought and practice. Dr. Sircus’s protocol addresses foundational physiology. It focuses on pH management, cell voltage, magnesium and iodine medicine, cannabinoid medicine, carbon dioxide medicine, re-mineralization of the body, increasing oxygen transport and oxygenation of the tissues, opening up of blood vessels, saturation and healing of cells with concentrated nutrition via superfoods, breathing retraining, emotional transformation processing, detoxification and removal of heavy metals and radioactive particles.

The exciting part of Dr. Sircus’s protocol is that it is easy to learn and anyone can start implementing it even while being treated by other approaches. Secondly, with a recent medical breakthrough—a legalized form of medical marijuana now available throughout the world—Dr. Sircus’s protocol is entirely legal.

With the publication of Dr. Sircus’s Treatment Essentials book, which actually teaches people to put into practice this medical approach, anyone will now have access to the information that will enable them to take charge of their own health.

Dr. Sircus’s approach is humanitarian because it pays attention to the majority who cannot afford expensive medical treatments or pharmaceutical drugs. With the Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol, people with limited funds can make use of the top three medicinals mentioned above—magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and iodine—to inexpensively treat most health problems. Add breathing retraining, CBD, superfoods, vitamin C, plenty of water good enough to be called a medicine, enough sun, daily magnesium massages and one will improve or cure almost any ailment.

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We start the show and get a good lay of the land, Where in Brazil Dr. Sircus and family lives, (six kids), what is their drinking water source and more color

He talks about his long time practices of experiencing the light of God in meditation

Dr. Sircus discusses the elements he feels are necessary for all to have on a regular basis:  Magnesium, Selenium, Sulfur, Hydrogen and Iodine

His favorite form of Magnesium is Magnesium bicarbonate…and He likes this company’s  offering the best.

He talks of many who paint the Lugols Iodine on for chronic illnesses.  We have one of the best Atomized Iodines in the World  from Iodine Source, with authentic Edgar Cayce Iodine

Virtually everyone can use more magnesium

Some emails: 

I have a friend who is a farmer on no medication, he eats mostly hamburgers, and has a happy simple social life.

Yet recently..I have noticed his hands shaking when he does things like screw in a bolt.  What could be causing this? I think he might have WiFi in his home

Does hydrogen improve eyesight? If so, what the best way to use it?
By the way, it’s only 56 degrees here in northern Michigan. Got the heat on.

I know Dr Sircus is all about better and deeper breathing. Has he heard of Andrew Fletcher’s inclined bed therapy? I have been sleeping that way since July of 2014. It changed my breathing back to a deep lower belly breather without thinking about it. Same for my husband.

What are your thoughts about Iodine for people with Hashimoto’s? More? Less?

My D.O. Doctor told me NOT to take iodine because it interferes with my T4….. my thyroid was radiated in ‘98 as I was Hyper thyroid…. what is your thought ..I was taking iodine at same time as my Nature Thryoid and selenium …I have the Egar Casey’s brand.

Can you ask Dr. Sircus how long should one inhale Hydrogen (browns gas) every day to see any health benefits? One hour a day?

Does Dr. Sircus know of any natural cures for Bruxism, which is when a person grinds their teeth while asleep?

Dr. Marc Sircus with the first of his monthly visits: This episode, lots about Magnesium, Iodine, Hydrogen, Selenium, Sulfur and much more. September 3, 2019 ONE

Dr. Marc Sircus with the first of his monthly visits: This episode, lots about Magnesium, Iodine, Hydrogen, Selenium, Sulfur and much more. September 3, 2019 TWO

'Dr. Mark Sircus | Magnesium, Iodine, Hydrogen and Much More | September 3, 2019' has 1 comment

  1. September 9, 2019 @ 6:53 pm diybastard

    Dr. Sircus is always good, but this may have been his best interview yet! Can’t wait for next month.

    For anyone who wants to make Noah’s Water at home, here’s the DIY recipe: http://www.afibbers.org/Wallerwater.pdf

    I am going to try it and see what happens!

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