Dr. Philip Ovadia

Cardiac Surgeon, Metabolic Health Specialist & Author

Stay off My Operating Table: A Heart Surgeon’s Metabolic Health Guide to Lose Weight, Prevent Disease, and Feel Your Best Every Day

For the past century, we’ve been bombarded with diet ads and advice from gurus and governments. Yet heart disease remains the #1 killer worldwide, and 88% of adults are metabolically unhealthy. Up to 95% of dieters gain back all the weight they lost while following both dietary guidelines and popular fitness fads.

Here’s why they fail.

Most diet books teach you to set short-term weight loss goals. Whether low-carb or low-fat, the typical plan goes like this: restrict your food choices, exercise until exhaustion, and swallow stacks of supplements. These “solutions” do a better job of lightening your wallet than lightening you.

Meanwhile, the healthcare industry fails to prevent chronic disease. Rather than showing people how to remain healthy and prevent illness through proper nutrition, the system offers drugs and surgery to manage symptoms.

As a heart surgeon who used to be morbidly obese, Dr. Philip Ovadia has seen firsthand the failures of mainstream diets and medicine. He realized that what helped him lose over 100 pounds was the same solution that could have prevented most of the thousands of open heart surgeries he has performed—metabolic health.

What you eat determines how long and how well you live. Yet most doctors don’t learn that in medical school. And pharmaceutical companies and food manufacturers have a vested interest in the public not knowing how to live and eat metabolically healthy.

Heart Disease is the number one killer in the U.S. and World Wide

Dr. Ovadio goes into detail on why and how the arteries get clogged.

The body, in it’s infinite wisdom slowly builds alternative ways to get blood to the heart when the major pathways are getting clogged up

Cardiologists are taught the wrong things at Universities

Insulin resistance caused by carbohydrates are the leading cause of heart disease

Ansel Keys sold the world on the idea of cholesterol causing heart attacks and most still believe this today

Meat, eggs and fat are the ideal foods for heart health.

Key factors to check for potential heart issues; Blood pressure above or below 1) 130/85

2) A fasting blood sugar above 100

3) HDL above 40

4) And a Triglyceride level above 150

LDL is not important and the risk radio of LDL and Insulin resistance is X 10 for insulin

'Dr. Philip Ovadia | Heart Surgeon Talks About Why Heart Disease is So Common and the Causes and Cures | January 18, 2023' have 3 comments

  1. January 21, 2023 @ 10:43 am Chris

    Interesting… framingham study… Framing Ham… Blaming Ham


  2. January 31, 2023 @ 4:18 pm Lawrence Lassek

    Dr. Ovadia advocates a diet which conflicts with well accepted Cardiac docs. Esseltyn and Ornish are non fat. Essetltyn shows in his books evidence of the Ejection Fraction and unblocked arteries to support his claims. I do not see the same evidence when reviewing Dr. Ovadia’s work I am one who could not stand up and say eat protein because I’m recovering from a heart attack and stent placement. I find the cardio world to be extremely short on evidence. I have NO faith in the medical establishment. I address my own needs to restore my endothelium and control inflammatory contributors. It would be a service to me to be able to be directed to hard evidence supporting Dr. Ovadia’s position. Thank you.


    • January 31, 2023 @ 4:23 pm patrick

      Lawrence, there’s massive evidence the earth over that fat, meat cholesterol are healthy and not the issue for heart attacks. Massive.


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