Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D

Renowned Nutritional Counselor

“Hello Patrick from Melbourne Australia,
Just a quick message to say thank you and to let you know that I enjoyed your show with Dr Ray Peat immensely. He has so much knowledge across a broad spectrum of topics. Thank you so much for bringing him on and for doing what you do!!! I hope to hear more of Dr Peat in your future shows.”

“I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your recent interviews with Dr Ray Peat. I am thrilled waiting for the next one. I have known his work for quite some time, but it is so refreshing to listen to your shows. I hope you will carry on with cooperation. Dr Peat has endless knowledge to share and each time I listen to him I find something new and eye-opening. His knowledge and perspective are absolutely unique. In the world of keto, low carb nonsense, sugar hate and corrupted science, he is the last voice of honesty and sanity.” Best regards Ania from Poland

Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on progesterone and the hormones closely related to it. His main thesis is that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.

Show highlights:

Dr. Ray Peat elaborates at length about the false statistics involved in COVID cases and deaths.

He cites Klaus Schwab, who crowed, “This is better than planetary warming. This is what we need to bring things under control.”

Heart attack, stroke, flu, and even a case of falling off a ladder are being blamed on COVID.

What is the central dogma of molecular biology (absolute Darwinism), and how does it compare to Lamarckism (Lamarckian inheritance), and how does this affect the safety of vaccines?

DNA flows one way, according to the central dogma. Guess what happens when reverse transcriptase enzymes allow DNA to flow both ways?

AIDS is an example of an RNA retrovirus that flows both ways.

Lamarckian inheritance allows us to carry the experiences of our recent ancestors, not just our distant ones.

“The injury that happened to your grandparents will affect their hormones and exosomes,” according to Dr. Peat.

The CDC advice to give flu vaccine to pregnant women is “a murderous and insane idea.”

Question: “So kissing someone vaccinated with an RNA virus can spread the exosomes from the vaccine by horizontal genetics?”

Nixon supposedly terminated the U.S. bio-weapons germ warfare program in 1975, but it was just renamed “vaccine research.”

“There is no question that a virus of this type has been a project for some time,” according to Dr. Peat.

“The closing of Fort Detrick has been “public and sloppy.”

China shut down the whole country, and the World Economic Forum ran with it. “The whole thing came into play. Everyone was trained to put it into practice.”

Pfizer didn’t exclude allergic people out of their testing, yet there are 1.6 million profoundly allergic people in the U.S. alone. This, including cases of anaphylaxis, were labeled as “appropriate risks.”

Pfizer’s vaccine roll-out is a “public relations bit.” It’s “conspiracy all the way.”

This vaccine — using reverse transcriptase to make genes out of “this bit of RNA — causes damage to the immune system that affects offspring, “reproducing it endlessly by possibly all of our cells.”

Dr. Peat answered many questions, including …

“What’s the difference between fish oil and cod liver oil and halibut oil?”

“Can you eat too many servings of liver?”

“Is sugar refined with sulfur or refined with phosphoric acid safer?”

“What causes optic nerve cup damage and glaucoma?”

“What causes cataracts?” (Patrick asks this question because so many One Radio Network listeners and viewers have asked about it.)

“Will a silver-infused pillow protect me from EMF radiation?”

“I’ve been following your protocol, so why am I still bald?”

“Is cactus fruit and dragon fruit good to eat?”

“Can glycerin be used topically?”

“Is DMSO safe to use?”

“What advice can you give for someone who has had chemotherapy and suffers from nausea?”

“Is eating a whole orange better than drinking orange juice?”

“Is erythromycin safe to use?”

“Why do I bloat in the evening?” (Dr. Peat’s answer is a truth bomb!)

“Can you shrink a uterine fibroid?”

“Is anyone doing the William Budd maintenance method for Type 1 Diabetes today?”

“I’m struggling with self-pleasuring. How can I stop?”

“What can be done for the herpes virus?”

“What will you eat for your holiday meal, Dr. Peat?”

“Can Lyme disease be treated? Can ALS be treated?”

“What is a ‘chicken lamp’?”

'Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D – COVID-19, Vaccines, Conspiracy Theories & Your Health Questions Answered – December 21, 2020' have 5 comments

  1. December 23, 2020 @ 7:42 am anonymus

    I have seen the question “Why do I bloat in the evening?” in the website. But I have not heard it in the interview. Have anyone heard it?


    • January 4, 2021 @ 3:48 pm LucyL

      The bloat question starts about 1:54:00


  2. December 23, 2020 @ 11:51 am warren schaich

    I enjoy your shows. I would like to add one very important name to your list of doctors and researchers you have had on your shows. His name is Hira Ratan Manek. He proposes to practice sun gazing with the amazing claims. It is health on the cheap.


    • December 24, 2020 @ 1:13 am Jeff

      Manek would be an excellent interview. A member of a family that runs the global debt-based, zero-sum game money systems had the following to say on the subject in a Q&A he posted online:
      1. “A less dramatic, but perhaps more appropriate remedy…if it can be called such…might be to adopt the sungazing as a SOURCE energy rejuvinator since…as you might know, the sun is the planitary source of bio-energy. Introduce this slowly and with care…but the rewards will be real and lasting.”
      2. ” You can also start looking into the work of HR Manek…previously referenced!”
      3. “If one wishes to really stretch the mind, check out that Indian fellow who lives on sunlight alone. He is on a very productive path…and of course being mocked to no end…
      Laughing out loud!!”
      4. “Now, take only the bare necessities with you to sustain your life. If you are smart, and I think you are not, you will take a vegetarian, minimally processed diet. Plan on a morning and evening sungazing and use only purified/distilled water. In this phase, you may take whatever READING materials you desire, but absolutely no electronics. It is also best if your refuge does not have electrical service.”
      Now, we need context here, too. This person has been eating nutrient packed food free of toxins his entire life. His mother did, too. His grandmother did, too. He does not ingest metallic iron filings. He is not low on bio-copper. He does not ingest the toxic seed oils.
      Someone who is iron toxic, bio-copper deficient, magnesium deficient, loaded with toxins, and nutrient depleted just may significantly stress their eyes out by doing this. I do not know, but I would be extra, extra cautious unless one was raised on a diet other than processed foods. You can bet Manek wasn’t raised on processed foods.


  3. December 25, 2020 @ 12:15 am Bryan

    Thanks for your shows Patrick! I love your calm, cool character.
    I have some questions for the legend Ray Peat.
    Is vitamin D from sheep wool safe? How is D3 used as rat poison? Poison is in the dose?
    Also, I get a histamine type reaction from aspirin. (itchy bumps) Why? Do I have a diamine oxidase deficiency from low copper/b6?



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