Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D

Renowned Nutritional Counselor

Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on progesterone and the hormones closely related to it. His main thesis is that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.

“So a little bit of progesterone is good for us all?” asks Patrick. “While working with progesterone in the lab, I would stop having hangnails,” replies Dr. Ray Peat.

Dr. Peat describes progesterone’s remarkable effect on a bedridden woman diagnosed with a degenerative brain condition.

Progesterone stops stress and puts the system in a “higher state of rest.” How is this state of rest beyond the confines of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems?

How does progesterone allow the body to reorganize itself, “sort of like political autonomy,” where cells can cooperate rather than becoming more active or quiescent?

“The strange thing about progesterone is that it’s pretty much good for everything,” affirms Dr. Peat.

There’s no worry about germs or viruses or cancer cells. How does progesterone stabilize the organism?

Progesterone can be used for cancers on the lips or ears. They either disappear or fall off.

Antibiotic research started with natural substances. Antibiotics are everywhere. How is an antibiotic from Nature safer and more protective than a pharmaceutical product?

How can an antibiotic be used without hurting the immune system? Can bacteria go into a spore state to survive an antibiotic?

Do reduced doses of chemotherapy have healing potential? Can reduced doses shift the balance in favor of the patient, not the tumor?

Why is the “seed that multiplies” not a valid theory of cancer? How can a “restorative healing process” be initiated and sustained?

When you cut our a tumor, you leave a wounded area that will produce more tumors. It recruits cells from the surrounding area to rebuild the cancer. The body keeps growing a wound that can’t heal.

Why does injured tissue become a powerful source of estrogen? How does estrogen signal for cellular amplification?

Sophie asks about blackheads and enlarged pores. Dr. Peat indicates the polyunsaturated fatty acid connection, and explains how to remedy both problems.

Vic asks about heart arrhythmia. A declining thyroid is involved, and Dr. Peat explains what to do about it.

Hussein asks about acid reflux and ulcers.

Can the nocturnal reversal of peristalsis transport anal contents all the way up into the mouth by morning?

The average American takes 76 hours from mouth to excretion, while in Africa it only takes 12 hours. What causes the difference?

Ellen asks about the FDA requiring a prescription for NAC (N-acetylcysteine). Dr. Peat explains why it’s both “excitatory and life-shortening.”

A listener asks about elevated blood pressure from drinking milk.

A listener asks about protecting the body from the Covid vaccine.

A listener asks, “Spike proteins are supposed to exist in cell membranes, but do cell membranes even exist?” The answer may surprise you.

Does a virus need a doorknob? Is there really a blood-brain barrier or is the brain just “a big ball of fat”?

Elena asks about edema in her feet. Dr. Peat offers a simple solution.

Michael asks about prostate cancer. Is “watchful waiting” the best strategy?

A listener asks how orange juice and Mexican Coca-Cola can help diabetes.

Mary asks about cold hands and infertility.

A listener asks, “When does Soul enter the body?”

What is autonomous awareness? Do the things we eat have personalities?

Dr. Rady Peat PhD, renowned nutritionist with his monthly viist always jammin’ with information, May 17, 2021

'Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D – The Magic of Progesterone; Covid Vaccines & Your Health Questions Answered – May 17, 2021' have 2 comments

  1. May 25, 2021 @ 8:22 pm Rob Young

    Can anyone recall Ray Peats suggestions for where to get the thyroid supplement? Dosage?


    • May 28, 2021 @ 9:05 am El

      Farmacia del nino.
      He doesn’t specify doses.
      My advice is start slow and increase every 3 weeks.


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