Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D
Renowned Nutritional Counselor
Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on progesterone and the hormones closely related to it. His main thesis is that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.
What does Dr. Peat think of Dr. Ardis’ “Watch the Water�
Need to account for complexity of phospholipase effects regarding venom.
Is there venom in the injections? Can test them for an enzyme.
What was COVID all about?
Lab modifications made the spike proteins especially transmissible.
Dr. Palmer’s slides of virus found in autopsied vaccinated COVID patients.
What is the evidence for an influenza virus causing flu deaths?
Endotoxin from lipopolysaccharide in the gut can cause pneumonia.
Remdesevir is a gene destroying material.
60% higher death rates in comparable German hospitals of one following WHO guidelines of intubation and Remdesevir vs. one not.
Why does aspirin help?
Why do laxatives and castor oil help? They get rid of endotoxins. Bowel inflammation is a major cause of death.
Coffee helps to balance everything.
Any problem using soft bulk-forming material? Psyllium husks can be dehydrating.
Cooked or raw vegetable effect on bowel movements? Rats fed canned vegetables thrived, but raw vegetables lead to death.
Need for protein decreases in older age.
Is it beneficial to supplement with inorganic minerals? Plants prefer certain Isotope forms. Prefer light vs. heavy water.
How to gain weight? 66 y.o. female with lingering digestive problems from COVID. Check thyroid function, body temperature, Vitamin D. Should be 50-60 per nanometer. LetsGetChecked.com for home testing. Likes TSH near zero.
Historically (50’s and 60’s) used Protein Bound Iodine (PBI) test to test thyroid. Said only 5% of population needed thyroxin. But no evidence that PBI measured thyroid function. Left a legacy of not treating hypothyroid sufficiently.
TSH activates inflammatory systems. Elevated TSH is a sign of inflammation. Dr. Peat likes TSH near zero.
Armour vs. Synthroid vs. Cynoplus vs. free-dried bovine thyroid.
Because of estrogen and its effect on the liver, women are less able to activate thyroxine (T4) to make T3.
Male feels a thumping in his head, not correlated with heart beat. Something environmental resonating through the sinus?
Would chondroitin sulfate improve heart disease?
Plaque in artery is a breakdown product of PUFAs.
How long does it take Vitamin A supplementation to clear skin issues? Estrogen accelerates formation and turnover of skin plaque. Vitamin A has anti-estrogen effect.
56 y.o. male gets a purple dot on his forearm. Probably from broken capillaries. Keep cortisol low. Avoid unexposed estrogen. Carbohydrates build cholesterol.
Options for inguinal hernia? Caused by falling DHEA, Vitamin D deficiency, and excess estrogen causing poor collagen. 5,000 Vit D/day.
Scoliosis – too little thyroid, calcium, Vitamin D.
Berberine to lower blood sugar?
Phosphorus – Can be deficient if both calcium and phosphorus are low, but usually a normal ratio indicates if you have enough phosphorus.
Rhythm of estrogen in relationship to cancer. A continual small amount of estrogen can increase cancer risk, but not if interrupted once a month.
Progesterone inactivates substances that attach to estrogen and knocks out the estrogen receptor. Can have cancer without estrogen showing up in the blood. Thyroid and progesterone deficiency can cause endometriosis and then cancer.
Listener had appendix removed at age 9 because of rupture. What are the long-term effects of no appendix?
Resources in Mexico for ordering Cynoplus. Bovine thyroid – how pure, has it been standardized? Take caution with dosage.
What causes an increased tendency to flush? Histamine release. Low thyroid.
Monitor thyroid with temperature (97.8) and heart rate first thing in the morning.
Is breakfast important? High AM cortisol is a response to low glucose. Orange juice or oats good upon awakening to restore glucose.
Is milk estrogenic? Can get milk without hormones added.
Can you reduce enlarged prostate? Thyroid and aspirin, good Vitamin D level.
'Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D – What Was COVID All About? And Other Health Questions Answered – April 18, 2022' has 1 comment
May 14, 2022 @ 9:55 am David Clark
There were studies in rats, I believe, not humans, but they were on procaine, aka Gerovital, where it reduced lipofuscin in several places in the body. Ask Dr. Peat if has an opinion to whether procaine would be useful to reduce lipofuscin, which is a by product of PUFA metabolism.