Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D

Renowned Nutritional Counselor

“Hello Patrick from Melbourne Australia,
Just a quick message to say thank you and to let you know that I enjoyed your show with Dr Ray Peat immensely. He has so much knowledge across a broad spectrum of topics. Thank you so much for bringing him on and for doing what you do!!! I hope to hear more of Dr Peat in your future shows.”

“I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your recent interviews with Dr Ray Peat. I am thrilled waiting for the next one. I have known his work for quite some time, but it is so refreshing to listen to your shows. I hope you will carry on with cooperation. Dr Peat has endless knowledge to share and each time I listen to him I find something new and eye-opening. His knowledge and perspective are absolutely unique. In the world of keto, low carb nonsense, sugar hate and corrupted science, he is the last voice of honesty and sanity.” Best regards Ania from Poland

Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on progesterone and the hormones closely related to it. His main thesis is that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.

Dr. Ray Peat is on One Radio Network the third Monday of every month.
He’s been wearing an N95 mask due to all the smoke in Oregon, where he’s currently living.

Smoke particles are even smaller than the coronavirus.

Dr. Peat discusses the relationship between viruses and pollution. The highest “virus” mortality is concentrated in the highest pollution areas,” says Dr. Peat, for example, Wuhan, Italy, and New York City.
“It’s the soil that the virus or pollution falls on,” according to him.
Dr. Peat talks about inflammasomes, cytokines, and the “so-called” ACE2 receptor.
The ACE2 protein knocks out inflammation. The virus itself is not the problem. It’s the inflammatory process.

Pumping oxygen into people is killing patients by increasing inflammasomes.
Creating antibodies to coronavirus means you’re resistant to the virus, not sick with it. “If you change the language you can appear to make anything happen,” according to Dr. Peat.
The coronavirus “plan” was already worked out in detail in 2001 — to shift wealth to Google and the members of the World Economic Forum. Some billionaires have already doubled their net worth.

Dr. Peat discusses pulse and temperature in relation to the thyroid.
He refers to two books written by Dr. Broda Barnes.
Dr. Peat replies to a listener about inflammation.
He replies to another listener about eating liver.
Dr. Peat regards tryptophan and cysteine as “dangerous,” and connected to the inflammatory process.
He replies to more e-mails from listeners about fructose, orange juice, lecithin, histamine intolerance, etc.
Mushrooms have natural anti-inflammatory properties. They should be boiled for at least an hour to break down the carcinogenic substances.
Dr. Peat advises about doses of aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
He discusses how moving to a warmer, tropical climate (say Florida) can disguise what’s going on with the thyroid. At least the internal temperature will be favorably increased.
Dr. Peat advises a “good laxative” or antibiotics several days before surgery. Grated carrots is another option (using a little olive oil, vinegar, and salt).
Many people have bacteria all the way up to their stomach. Most of the small intestine should be sterile.

Men with high testosterone and low estrogen have less prostate cancer.
Sunlight is the best way to get vitamin D, plus keeping your calcium high compared to phosphate.
Sapotes and cherimoyas are good fruits to be eaten during autumn.

Dr. Peat listed various benefits of a progesterone supplement called Progest-E, including some dramatic cases of external application.

Estrogen degrades tissue in various ways.
Hyperventilation means carbon dioxide is not being retained. That results in stress hormones.

Dr. Peat discusses “natural” desiccated thyroid supplements.
A listener asks Dr. Peat about what happens after death. Also, will he ever play his cello on a show?

Ray Peat, PhD, with over ninety minutes of fun information taking listener’s questions and more on viruses, September 21, 2020

'Dr. Ray Peat – Your Many Health Questions Answered – September 21, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. September 23, 2020 @ 10:55 am Rose

    Good morning, Patrick,
    For Ray Peat’s next visit: I am 62, post-menopausal and would like to try Progest-E, but worry about whether I would start menstruating again. I have not had a period for over 15 years and my OB/GYN has told me that starting hormone therapy after being post-menopausal for so long, it would cause a rapid degeneration in my body, earlier onset of dementia, artery problems, etc.
    I also am hypothyroid (taking synthroid for 20+ years,) and experience fluttering heart symptoms, and have had one 5-hour episode of Afib. I recently read that iodine might stop the afib, bought a 12.5mg pill form of it, started taking it and the episodes have pretty much stopped (within one week). AMAZED. But am I doing more damage to my body taking the synthroid and the iodine together?

    Thank you!


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