Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Ask Dr. Massey


Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation



The boys had their silly hats on today and the joy and laughter were in full force. This is a fun-filled show packed full of information. 

Show highlights:

Patrick and Doc Massey share a trippy story about getting stoned on Mennonite animal organs

Lots of information on thyroid

Dr. Massey shares an incredible story of healing a goiter brought on by an unresolved conflict between a man and his sister. This story is truly fascinating

Dr. Massey’s entrance into natural medicine; would he ever go back into the allopathic world if his permit would be miraculously reinstated? You’ll be surprised with his answer

Recall healing 

Will injecting umbilical blood stem cells into a swollen knee be worth pursuing? 

What does Recall Healing say about continuing problems with a left eye; would fish oil be helpful?
Meniscus issues
Dr. Thomas Levy’s nebulizing formula for killing bio films
How to pack more punch into your coffee enemas
Holding a grudge make gall bladder bile into sludge
Niacin detox sauna protocol as one of many ways to ditch toxins
Dr. Massey’s understanding of oxidation looking at many, many live blood tests
We feel worse and have more “symptoms” when the body is healing
and so much more!!


Dr. Richard Massey M.D. on Dr. Massey’s monthly visit, fun and information abound, December 19, 2019

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