Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

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It’s raining in Austin. “I was actually out in the yard this morning dancing in the rain,” says Dr. Richard Massey, M.D.

He’s been teaching Gestalt classes combined with Recall Healing at Casa De Luz. How does talking to an empty chair allow your sense of birthright power to come back into your body?

What happens to your “corona” when you blame or complain? How can you shift blaming and complaining into peaceful power?

Is there an effective way to blame? Tony Robbins thinks there is. As an example, Dr. Massey relates the case of a woman with severe fibromyalgia.

Gilbert Renaud has never seen a case of fibromyalgia yet that didn’t involve rape or molestation.

Where is our “first corona” located, and why is it the number 1 killer disease? What happens 22 days after conception?

“The beating heart with blood vessels over it is the portal for the love into this incarnated form,” according to Dr. Massey.

Is it an “accident” that the mRNA vaccine travels down the same shikimate pathway that glyphosate uses?

Mike Wallace’s “60 Minutes” did a report on swine flu in the 1970s. How does the investigative journalism of the 1970s differ from the investigative journalism of today?

Patrick and Dr. Massey discuss colostrum and leaky gut syndrome. What causes leaky gut from a Recall Healing perspective, and why is colostrum important as a back-up?

What happens to the body when we encounter something undesirable or emotionally indigestible? How is the F-word involved?

Can we die from healing too fast? What causes a “military over-reaction” of the organism?

Blaming puts our attention on someone else’s corona. Health is putting your attention on your own corona.

Linda asks about the MMS oxygen therapy and Brown’s gas therapy. Combined, don’t they just make water? Is it better to keep them separate?

A listener asks about the Recall Healing protocol for baldness. Dr. Massey lists four important perspectives, citing sources from Samson to “Flesh Failures” in the musical “Hair.”

Patrick plays a video (“It is not lawful to ‘require’ vaccination.” It explains how to opt out of the alleged “requirement,” or, if you do choose to get the jab, how to hold someone responsible.

Dr. Massey explains the difference between NAD+ and NADH.

Doing business with the vaccine industry is doing business with criminals. How can we recast Big Pharma into Little Pharma?

The word “vaccine” derives from “cow.” How did Edward Jenner’s smallpox/cowpox remedy become debased by today’s vaccine criminals?

“Why do we have to learn about biology by cutting it to pieces?”, asks Dr. Massey.

Gilbert Renaud is working on a book on organisms. How does a staph infection relate to “words being shoved down your throat”? Does staph protect you from cancer?

Clarice asks about the new “heartbeat law.”

Patrick and Dr. Massey talk about getting together at Casa De Luz for a “macroneurotic” meal.

Dr. Richard Massey with another fun visit on recall healing, Gestalt and more cool stuff, May 17, 2021

'Dr. Richard Massey, MD – Gestalt, Recall Healing, Playing the Blame Game & More – May 17, 2021' have 2 comments

  1. May 18, 2021 @ 8:41 pm Joe

    praying for you and Doc to get healed…… to lost souls swimming in a fish bowl…………


  2. May 19, 2021 @ 8:29 pm Sandi

    That’s what they are saying here in San Jose ca. If no v then wear mask!

    I agree with what dr Daniels said about v and no v to keep us fighting and divided


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