Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

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Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation

Dr. Massey shows blood samples explaining how exosomes work

All healing is a love story

Red light heals

Taking blue supplementation allows more red light in from the sun

All diseases are a separation event, essentially a dispute.

Most men will suffer the consequences rather than read the directions.

What is the subconscious mind

Patrick and Dr. Massey discuss how the subconscious mind operates

Certain Family constellation structures affect the pancreas

Humans do all they can to dumb down their ability to be magnificent

Patrick muses he’s seen inner plane activity where the   mind thinks he doesn’t deserve to have it all.

the key to letting go of everything is not judging what is let go

Is past life regression therapy useful?

What is the spiritual/emotional component to glaucoma

What is the cure for sepsis?

'Dr. Richard Massey | The Body Makes Exosomes Called Viruses to Heal During Detoxification Called Colds and Flu | February 20, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. March 3, 2023 @ 10:51 am Jim

    At around 54 minutes, Dr. Massey takes about the ability of the little ones to accept the sins and sufferings of the parents, for the survival of all three (the ‘biological holy trinity’). What a neat concept/statement.

    With that being said, I have a question about abortion. What would the Doctor presume causes a woman to choose to abort a child (free will decision)? Is her subconscious feeling that she does not want forgiveness, and is willing to continue living in sin? Is abortion just a ‘symptom’ in this case, meaning it’s a ‘necessary evil’ for this point in the mother’s life, because she hasn’t sought what is needed to raise the child (or her husband/child’s father hasn’t provided)?

    Also, if only the most innocent can truly accept our sins (side note: and I believe this as true, because Christ has been forgiving sins and allowing Christians to live for 2000 years), what does the Doctor think about childhood vaccinations? Why would two parents (or one) choose to inject their innocent child with something that has multiple toxins in it, mycoplasma, retroviruses, yeast, synergistic toxic metals in ionic forms, and other unknown biological contaminations? Are their subconscious’ saying that they do not want the forgiveness power of their child anymore, and then the biological Trinity begins to weaken? As soon as they inject their child with this stuff, do the parents physically start realizing their own humility with the onset of physical or mental illnesses (like the beginning of dominos falling), which is only stopped by realization and asking a higher power for forgiveness of their actions, because they no longer have the innocence of their child anymore (their sins were supposedly transferred to the child at the onset of the injections, making them incapable of accepting sins).


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