Dr. Richard Massey

with Meridian Grace

Your Health Questions Answered


Dr. Massey M.D. is one of the very few docs we know that gets the spiritual, mental and emotional side of healing and how our state of consciousness and our body are one

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine.
Meridian Grace has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients. Since she was 14 years old, she knew that high quality life includes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Tirelessly researching all these years, she integrates the wisdom of the ancients with the most up to date technology. She continually attends workshops, classes, and seminars to explore new ideas and technology in all aspects of the holistic health field. Meridian greets you with a compassionate listening heart.

[email protected]
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation
Call Meridian 512-698-7009


Dr. Massey and Meridian chat about there experience in the Yucatan.  And it was opposite of Yucky indeed.

We talked about Ray Peat and his advice on cream/ice cream and sugar to support thyroid function and sleep

Dr. Massey suggested the A1C blood sugar blood test is a good marker for overall blood sugar health over several months

Patrick had this strong “nudge” to get some Pancreatic Enzymes a few days ago, and listen to the story and how it connects to Andrew Gause, one of his best friends, translating ten days ago to his Cosmic Vacation.

We talked about Gelatin and a great source of Glycine, a great nutrient for hair, skin and nails

Here are some of the emails asked and answered:

Neuropathy in legs could result from wearing pressure stocking for varicose veins. What would help alleviate the discomfort and pain in the legs for the elderly?

Any help for Adult Onset Muscular Dystrophy? Could lots of gardening with glyphosate be a cause? What to do?

What book is Dr. Massey reading from?  Recall Healing?  Who is the author? Thanks so much

You can contact Meridian Grace (above) to get a copy of this book written by Gilbert Renaud

Any advice on how to heal an inguinal hernia on a man on his right side groin? He’s a thin person and very active. Doctor recommends surgical mesh repair. We don’t want that.

Hi Patrick, ask dr Massey where he gets the testosterone cream to help heal a hernia

LOL, I think your Natural Ultra Dynamic Guru Enhancement System would be a great seller!  “When you need a nudge to be your best, ask us for some helpful N.U.D.G.E.S.”

😋Or if you need more balance in your life, try our Natural Ultra Dynamic Gyroscopic Energy Stabilizer

Is there a homeopathic remedy for eye floaters, I’m an old chap of 57 years


Dr. Richard Massey M.D. and Meridian Grace having some fun talking about healing everything, January 31, 2019 ONE

Dr. Richard Massey M.D. and Meridian Grace having some fun talking about healing everything, January 31, 2019 TWO

'Dr. Richard Massey with Meridian Grace – Healing Just For The Fun of It – January 31, 2019' have 2 comments

  1. February 1, 2019 @ 7:04 am Jean

    It seems part ONE was added twice here?
    Part TWO is on Soundcloud though :)


    • February 1, 2019 @ 9:48 am patrick

      Thanks…ah…my fat finger did that..should be all good now…good catch


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