Dr. Richard Massey

with Meridian Grace

Your Health Questions Answered


Dr. Massey M.D. is one of the very few docs we know that gets the spiritual, mental and emotional side of healing and how our state of consciousness and our body are one

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine.
Meridian Grace has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients. Since she was 14 years old, she knew that high quality life includes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Tirelessly researching all these years, she integrates the wisdom of the ancients with the most up to date technology. She continually attends workshops, classes, and seminars to explore new ideas and technology in all aspects of the holistic health field. Meridian greets you with a compassionate listening heart.

[email protected]
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation
Call Meridian 512-698-7009



Dr. Massey explains some of the work he does with light, sunshine and IV blood treatments

Fun experiment with electricity, bugs and yogurt

The reason we can relive and heal relationships, traumas etc. in the “Past” is because it is always Now and the past doesn’t exist

The body is in fact, with out a doubt always moving towards balance and perfect healing

Howard Stern meets John Sarno

Patrick explains some of the insights and his personal Truths he’s gain in the past five years  moving through painful colon, sciatica and stomach challenges

Dr. Massey doesn’t recommend folks do these inner work methods if all is well and one is feeling fine

To Iodine or not to Iodine, we talk about it

Our free will, doing what Soul really wants is inextricably tied to the Thyroid

Hear some good ideas from Meridian and Dr. Ray Peat on the best ways to get the most out of eating grains

Meridian talks about seaweed as a good option for iodine and minerals

When we are in pain treat ourselves and the pain as we would a five year old toddler

If a trauma or significant incident happens  at say, 50 years in the body, oftentimes we’ll find a significant incident also happened tied to this at 25 years old.

pigs feet and ham hocks  make amazing collagen to consume

Fecal implants are being done around the world and at home for free

Magnesium Phosphorous Cell Salts are handy remedy for feet and leg cramps

Injury or other condition in the left ring finger has much to say as the cause and cure through Recall Healing

What ever works for you is your best choice regardless of what others may say

The entomology of Truth is interesting to explore

Some of the emails:

“Feeling optimistic about my reproductive possibilities”.  Probably shouldn’t put it on a bumper sticker…although it deserves to be.Also very tickled about y’all’s reparté with Dulse being girlie and Kelp being hard and masculine.

Ray Peat   give a thumbs up  for aspirin  therapy -   Jennifer Daniels    says   No No   What is Doc Massey’s    take on  low dose aspirin

my wife had a Lipoma from her back shoulder blade area removed 10 years ago.. she still complains of pain…..  we have done ozone  injections, Bio Modulator , sauna far infared…..   she mentioned a friend has a steriod injection    and I said    they are not good…..  any suggestions…….

I remember Dr Gary Gordon……..  gave “His own”  supplemental   and Hormone protocol  for  others to see what a person may have to do to stay alive.

Sometimes I think all Doc Masey has to do is a prayer and recall healing session… and he is good to go…
Can Doc tell us what    supplements,  hormones…… and diet he is following  currently.

I recently went to a therapeutic yoga class, I felt like I needed it from all the pain from sitting in the office all day.  I experienced several moderate muscle spasms during the class and I’m still sore now.  I realized that a lot of the spasms were leftover tension from when I was going through my marital separation last year.  Maybe I should have been going to this yoga class all along, but do Dr. Massey and Meridian have any other suggestions for helping let go of this tension?On a side note, I realized that my marital separation happened almost at just about double the age I was when I first moved away from my parents.

Could you ask Dr. Massey & Meridian if they know why it would say on the bottle of liquid iodine supplement to take one hour away from food? I typically mix mine with food but wondering why they suggest waiting. Also, what do they both think about using iodine as a supplement. Is it good for the thyroid or not so good.

From Atom Bergstrom:

Nixtamalization = increase if calcium, decrease in phytic acid, etc.The Indians in the Southern U.S. knew how to do this, and didn’t get pellagra.

European settlers didn’t, resulting in epidemic pellagra.”Pellagra is a disease caused by low levels of niacin, also known as vitamin B-3. It’s marked by dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis, also known as ‘the three Ds’.””Nixtamalization (from the Spanish ‘Nixtamalización’) describes the process for any grain that can be used to remove the pericarp, by cooking and steeping the dried kernels with water and lime (calcium hydroxide). This process provides several nutritional benefits, converting maize into dough and then tortillas.

The process of Nixtamalization in maize 

Dr. Richard Massey M.D. and Meridian Grace with fun ways to stay healthy, February 28, 2019, Hour One

Dr. Richard Massey M.D. and Meridian Grace with fun ways to stay healthy, February 28, 2019, Hour Two

'Dr. Richard Massey M.D. with Meridian Grace – Spring All Things Are Feeling Optimistic About My Reproductive Possibilities- February 28, 2019' has 1 comment

  1. March 1, 2019 @ 11:13 pm Nancy

    Please spell the name of the homeopathic you used for flu symptoms.


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