Dr. Shawn Baker

Benefits of the Carnivore Diet

A few months after starting the carnivore diet, Dr. Baker lost weight, digestion issues and hypertension resolved, and age-related skin issues completely went away. His sleep apnea also resolved, and the joint pain reduced, which he attributes to the carnivorous diet saying certain foods in the keto and vegan diets cause inflammation. By eliminating them from his diet, he’s been able to reduce inflammation.

Dr. Baker was so impressed with his results that he started sharing his experiences with patients suffering from osteoarthritis and other conditions and put them on a high-fat, low-carb diet. In some cases, he was so successful, and their joints improved so much that they canceled surgeries.

Dr. Baker started telling his story and the success he was experiencing with his health and his patients on Instagram. During this time, he became known as the Carnivore King, something he says happened spontaneously and organically. It wasn’t until he started MeatRX that he saw the impact the carnivore diet has had on thousands of people.

His website is carnivore.diet.

Health changes in his 40s led Shawn to investigate a meat based diet.

Was a champion athlete, but wanted to be an even better athlete.

Experienced persistent aches and pains, tendonitis, early arthritis, increase in BP, sleep apnea, metabolic changes, which went away with a carnivore diet. 

Beside avoiding processed foods, what should you eat?  Most people don’t do well on a plant based diet.

Want food that is easier to digest and absorb nutrition from.  The answer is animal foods for most people.

Animal tissue is bioavailable and what we are already made from.

Gorillas eat 40-60 lbs of food a day.  Spend 80% of waking hours chewing it all.

More efficient to eat at least 70% meat.  Not making as much waste when eating animal vs. plant.

Dr. Baker eats 90% red meat, 3% pork, chicken, fish.  Also eggs, dairy, cheese.  Rarely eats fruit.

Not opposed to raw meat, but it is a contamination hazard.

Is additional fat needed?  Maybe for some.  Depends on body fat.  Low fat is not sustainable.  His diet is 60-70% fat.

Constipation is inability to evacuate the bowels.  Not determined by frequency.

Co-founder of Revero, an online platform being developed to treat disease with medical nutritional therapy.

How significant is sugar in our health?  We can make glucose from protein and fat without consuming any sugar.  It’s hard to moderate sugar.

Dietary carbs are easier to overeat, less satiating. 

How do carnivores get rid of excess iron?  It’s not how much we eat but rather how much we absorb.  Iron regulation is under the influence of hepcidin, which is influenced by insulin levels.

High ferritin is a marker of metabolic unwellness, not that too much meat is being eaten.

Since carnivores have a reduced need to have bowel movements, where is meat going in the body?  It’s being absorbed.

Dr. Baker generally eats two meals a day.

Hunger is the best sauce.  Food tastes better when we’re hungry.

Some people have intolerances to non-meat foods and it’s okay to not eat them.

Don’t rely on your diet to provide entertainment in your life.

Listener on BP meds and thyroid asks if he can just start eating carnivore?  Have your doctor help you wean off meds.  Don’t stop them cold turkey.

Adequate level of blood glucose depends on how fat adapted the person is.

Eat more and lift weights to build muscle and gain weight.

Shawn Baker

'Dr. Shawn Baker | Benefits of the Carnivore Diet | September 13, 2022' have 2 comments

  1. September 14, 2022 @ 10:25 am KMF

    The Flat earth, meat, conspiracy, pseudo science show. Smh


  2. September 19, 2022 @ 6:02 am JeffB

    Good show. Dr Baker is ! With all that’s come out showing the cholesterol/fat studies to be misleading, if not fraudulent over the past fifty years or so. The group think against meat has been, and is as fierce as ever. IMO guests like these are as important and informative as Andrew G was (miss him!). Thanks Patrick!


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