Dr. Steven Hines

Naturopathic Doctor


We cover Stem Cells, Mold, Lyme, Digestion, GMO, Glyphosates, Detoxing, Dehydration and much more

Dr. Steve Hines is a naturopathic doctor, naturopathic endocrinologist, and a master herbalist. He has been practicing naturopathy since 1995 and is currently working on a book, Gastrointestinal Diseases. Dr. Hines has more than 12,000 hours of training in nutritional bio-chemistry, anatomy, and physiology. His deductive reasoning skills prove invaluable to his patients. Dr. Hines is the co-founder of Hope Wellness Center – Treatment Facility in Ciudad Acuna Mexico.

Company that does accurate mold testing

Dr. Hines specializes in Lyme, healing damaged tissue, Stem Cells and Digestion

He uses umbilical stem cells and says they are more powerful than using ones own stem cells

The growth factors, the numbers and the strength of the umbilical stem are proven to be more than our own

Statin drugs kill human stem cells

Bone on bone hip, shoulders and knees are most often caused by chronic hydration…long time in the making

Retaining the moisture in the cells is key and Dr. Hines believes structured water just may be of some help

Alkaline water, in his opinion, should not be used as ones total water supply and especially not at mealtime

He likes the daily celery juice fad going on today.  The celery is rich in sodium and good for the stomach

Phosphatidylserine a lipid are essential for us and eggs are rich in these babies

Urine wants to be about 6.2 ph coming out

GMO’s are undigested proteins that cause havoc in the intestine and Glyphosates add to the trauma

He talks a great deal about stomach acid, and ways to use HCL temporarily to heal the stomach

Grains are troublesome because of the GMO’s

Learn more about Lyme here…and gastrointestinal Lyme is an issue for some and a stealth issue at that

If you have ever smoked in your life, you can perhaps benefit from taking extra zinc to get rid of the cadmium that comes with smoking tobacco

He likes to do a tri test for mercury toxicity:  Urine, blood and hair

DMSA that many use to chelate toxic metals can be harmful if used improperly

Dr. Hines suggests that glyphosates leave the body rather quickly as they are water soluble

Dr. Steve Hines on a wide variety of issues sure to spark your interest and attention, May 17, 2019 ONE

Dr. Steve Hines on a wide variety of issues sure to spark your interest and attention, May 17, 2019 TWO

'Dr. Steven Hines – Digestion, Stem Cells, Cancer Lyme and More – May 16, 2019' have 2 comments

  1. May 21, 2019 @ 2:34 pm Tony V

    Dr. Hines talks about the relationship between thyroid and stomach acid, but his focus on supplementing with betaine HCL leads one to question how he is testing for thyroid function, i.e. basal temperature versus blood or other thyroid tests. Hines also notes the high density of mitochondria in parietal cells where stomach acid is produced. The close relationship between mitochondria health and thyroid function has been documented by Broda Barnes, Mark Starr, and others. Overall, the interview with Hines was brilliant and a whirlwind of great information. Just wish he would have talked about the role of thyroid a bit more.


  2. May 28, 2019 @ 4:43 pm Sandi

    Fabulous show! Glad you got him back and have him return again in near future!


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