Dr. Stuart Nunnally

Meet Patrick’s Dentist!

The Mouth/Body Connection

Dr. Stuart Nunnally is mercury-free (amalgam-free) and mercury-safe. He is dedicated to the practice of biological, health-based dentistry. His mission is to treat his patients in the most healthy, caring, holistic way possible and to share information about dental wellness with his patients so that they may make educated decisions about their oral health. He fully understands the important relationship of oral to overall health and realizes that; “You cannot be truly healthy without good oral health!”
Dr. Nunnally’s philosophy of biological dentistry recognizes that the teeth, and associated structures, are an integral part of the whole body.This Whole Body philosophy stresses the use of safe biocompatible dental materials whenever possible. Dr. Nunnally also works closely with qualified health professionals to assist him in his efforts to return the patient to optimal oral and overall health. His Health-Focused approach to biological/holistic dentistry means that he treats the teeth, jaw, and related oral structures, with specific regard to how that treatment will affect the entire body.

What distinguishes biological dentistry from conventional dentistry?

Putting biocompatible materials into your mouth.

Dentistry that is complementary to your system of health.

Dental health requires nutrition, lifestyle, clean air, avoidance of dental toxins.

Removing mercury fillings without harm to the patient and dentistry staff.

Dr. Nunnally’s personal experience with mercury toxicity.

Infrared sauna and bathes to detox mercury.  Try to sweat daily.

Listener asks: Do you recommend root canals for any reason?  Evaluate on a case-to-case basis.

How about implants?

Are there certain foods more likely to hurt teeth?  Refined carbohydrates.  Cough drops.

What if veneers go bad?  Need to replace?

How about having dentistry in Mexico?

What are cavitations?

Cone beam technology for detecting cavitations.

How to treat cavitations?  Clean out thoroughly.  Ozonated water/saline/gas.  Reintroduce PRF – platelet rich fiber.  Acupressure.  High dose Vit C.

Can an infected tooth heal?

Biomemetic dental procedure instead of crowns?

How to tell if an implant is problematic?  Tenderness, bad taste, loose, express pus.

What does Dr. Nunnally brush his teeth with?  Baking soda, salt, dash of hydrogen peroxide.  Avoid toothpaste with fluoride, sudsy, glycerine (?).

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'Dr. Stuart Nunnally – Biological Dentistry, Cavitations, Detoxing Mercury Fillings, Root Canal Dangers & More – February 23, 2022' have 2 comments

  1. March 4, 2023 @ 10:17 am Mary Murray

    I have listened to your interview with Jonathan Landsman.
    Can you refer a competent biological dentist in Michigan?


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