Patrick Timpone


Dr. Theresa Dale

Your Body Can Heal Itself

There’s No Such Thing As An Incurable Issue

Dr. Dale’s interest in non-invasive therapies expanded when she was diagnosed with a uterine tumor at 22 years of age. After healing herself using natural methods, she decided to dedicate her life to helping others to do the same. Dr. Dale has been in private practice since 1980 in the areas of homeopathy, naturopathy, nutrition, magnetic field therapy, and emotional release technologies. Through this website, Dr. Dale carries out her mission of serving humanity by providing resources to enhance your life and optimize your health through award-winning, evidence-based, scientifically proven natural products, free educational materials and self-empowerment.

Show Highlights:

-Why Dr. Dale doesn’t believe in incurable diseases

-The importance of our belief system about health

-Why dealing with emotions is crucial for well being; emotions are key to releasing disease

-How fear lowers the immune system and invites disease

-What does it do to the body when an authority tells you that you have a disease?

-When you buy into the system, you create your own wellness or demise

-What’s the difference between having a healthy positive outlook and being delusional?

-Genetic DNA is not hardwired. Dr. Dale explains how it can be changed

-Giving hope is the most important thing you can give to another person

-Happiness is key for great health; diet is only part of the equation

-Strengthening hormones for women; getting a saliva test for an accurate reading

and so much more!

Dr. Theresa Dale

dr theresa dale on changing your dna, june 17, 2014

'Dr. Theresa Dale, PhD – There’s No Such Thing As An Incurable Disease – June 17, 2014' have 3 comments

  1. October 24, 2015 @ 9:36 am Trevor

    The headline is a lie: many people have to live with chronic pain, often caused through surgery by doctors, which is INCURABLE. Patients have to rely on lifelong opiates as there is NO CURE for neuropathic nerve damage.


    • October 28, 2015 @ 4:56 pm Marianne

      Trevor, what you are describing is not a disease, it’s an injury.


  2. October 27, 2015 @ 7:07 am cab

    Also, all of our atoms are held together by our Source (aka God), and God is intimate with our every breath and thought and emotion. If God has our ear, then we have a right to expect that we also have God’s ear too — and nothing is too hard, or impossible, for God.


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