Dr. Thomas Seyfried
Cancer As A Metabolic Disease and A Surprisingly Simple Way to Treat It
Current treatment of Cancer is treating downstream which is the somatic mutation of genes which is
a false premise
Dr. Seyfried published a groundbreaking treatise entitled, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer (Wiley, 1st ed., 2012). The treatise provides extensive information showing that cancer can be best defined as a mitochondrial metabolic disease rather than as a genetic disease.
Cancer is not a genetic disease caused by mutations as advertised the across the earth.
The cells become oxidized by poor diet and toxins, lose energy and ferment and this is cancer
The two main issues at hand that cancer cells need to grow is glucose and glutamine
Carbohydrates and sugar are the chief cause of high glucose levels
The half trillion dollar Cancer Theory happening today is chasing genes and this is simply not the way to go.
Dr. Seyfried recommends The Keto-Mojo through Amazon to get GKI levels (glucose/ketones) which should be at least 2.0
Our bodies are designed to make glucose, so we don’t need to eat additional glucose, a non essential metabolite.
Glutamine is prolific in our body as an amino acid.
People do really well just doing Carnivore or Ketogenic diet with dealing with Cancer
Dr. Seyfried encourages people to go zero carbs for ten days, then water only fasting
The brain lives on ketones which are created with zero carbohydrate diet. The tumor cells can’t live on ketones.
Otto Warburg was onto these concepts 100 years ago.
Any diet that lowers the blood sugar and manages Ketones will stop cancer.
A GKI of 2.0 or below is considered healthy and wards off cancer cells.
Ketones spare muscles unlike carbs and the Cancer cells get hammered.
Ketones makes the mitochondria super healthy, a super fuel.
'Dr. Thomas Seyfried | The Ways Cancer Is Treated Today Are Completely Wrong | February 13, 2023' have 2 comments
February 14, 2023 @ 9:05 am Sandy
Hi Patrick,
Great interview, as always!
I’ve known about Dr.Seyfried’s work through his book that was published over 10 years ago. At the time, keto and carnivore diets were not yet mainstream and the abundance of testimonials was not like it is now.
I leaned into learning about what “alternative” practitioners were doing to treat cancer because I was trying to help a beloved family member. Indeed, many of these “alternative” practitioners had noted that toxicity and importantly diet played a HUGE role…even one that could potentially cure cancer!
Surely, Dr. Seyfried has heard about the Hippocrates Institute? Although I’m not vegan nor raw vegan, I surmise this place–like many others–does emphasize low carb diets. Gosh, an integral part of their protocol is wheatgrass juice! They take this a step further though by emphasizing demineralization.
I applaud Seyfried for his academic work in showing the mechanisms and source of cancer; such academic knowledge is scant in the “alternative” practitioner community vs anecdotes. However, I find Seyfried very much ignorant about the insane degree of practitioners that’ve been on the “low carb” and diet to treat cancer “train” for decades.
Just like doctors can no longer feign stupidity about cancer as a metabolic disease, perhaps academics like Seyfried can no longer claim to stick just to their bubble and explore what these practitioner have been doing to help patients for DECADES! It’s no mistake that Dr. Daniels is your most popular guest. In “the real world” people seek out those who can provide solutions…and usually solutions that don’t send them into bankruptcy!
I believe part of “the great reset” is that people have been waking up for some time now, inclusive of the fraud that is most of modern medicine. We’re it not for indoctrination and insurance companies, most of these tricksters would not be allowed to practice medicine.
Seyfried has said he knows doctors who are good people yet, like many, makes the misstep by falling short of identifying these “good people” as part of the problem of going along with a corrupt, antiquated system. He says it is we the people’s job to “stand up”. What about these corrupt physicians who are supposed to be the smartest among us and who have more insight than Joe Public? He, like many academics, need to point a finger at the doctors. They can leave their specialty. They may not have a license but they will always have the M.D. education. Dr. Seyfried should read Dr. Daniels books and wake up!
February 19, 2023 @ 12:02 am Peter Lorince
Thank you Patrick and Dr Seyfried
This is truly one of the most important interviews that you have had regarding cancer treatments. Dr Seyfried is years ahead of the present day treatments and his protocols make so much sense.
Thanks to both of you.